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Güven Sak, PhD - [Archive]

Until when the Tea Party continues? 06/11/2010 - Viewed 1351 times

Tea Party now waits for the transformation of complaint-driven energy to policy recommendations.

How shall we assess the Tea Party movement in the US? There are two lessons I have extracted from the midterm elections on November 2nd in the US. First, the economy always plays a crucial role in elections. Second, this time sort of a "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" mood was sensed. Third, Tea Party is a strong voter mobilization mechanism. This time this mechanism worked for Republican's good; but we should not yet be conclusive. So, if you wonder the story, please join me down.

The USA has recently been witnessing a Tea party phenomenon. As I mentioned before, Tea Party is a movement ordinary people who are worried about their future in the face of the economic crisis have initiated. Interviews with them show that they also are a bit boring I guess. However, they played an important role in the elections. As the exit polls suggest, 4 out of 10 voters have defined themselves with the Tea Party movement. While I was writing these lines, results said that candidates supported by the Tea Party won 44 of 129 seats. The rate of success accounts almost to 35%. This is impressive; especially for a newly established movement.

Tea Party candidates were those who believed that public expenditures must be cut and the state should stop intervening in every aspect of life. They were confused. Indeed, at a live broadcast at Fox, which is on the same line with Republicans, a new congress member was being pressure with questions as to which expenditures he will cut. And he was trying to change the subject implying we should wait and see. Tea Party is as such; they are concerned and they are of opinion that something must be done to change the course of evens, but they do not know yet how to take steps to concrete end. Nonetheless, one important point Tea Party movement reinforces is that the economy affects the election results. This is the case all around the world. Let this be the first point to note.

And the second one: have you watched the movie 'Mr. Smith goes to Washington' by Frank Capra? If you have not, please do soon. When I read and hear about Tea Party supporters, I feel as if I have seen the young James Stewart in that movie as the Jefferson Smith, former cup scout leader and new senate member. He also seemed to be concerned about the life. Tea party movement is similarly the movement of ordinary people against large capital and large states. They are discontent. They want to complain to begin with, not to seek for solutions. This time there exist a bigger and more structural complaint about the economy and politics. This is the second point to underline.

Tea Party now waits for the transformation of complaint-driven energy to policy recommendations. Water has boiled. But yet there is no pot to brew the tea; there is no tea at all. Tea party is a strong voter mobilization mechanism. Now it is time for the supporters to get organized. The movement this time served for the Republicans, but not much for Republican Party elites. In fact, it was even harmful for party elites. Let us wait see who will organize the Tea Party in 2012 elections and how.

A note for those asking what this could imply for us: It is now evident that Nancy Pelosi will not stay long at the office. It is expected that Chairman of the US Foreign Affairs Committee Howard Berman, who we are familiar with for his support to the Armenian genocide resolution, will be replaced by Ilena Ros-Lehtinen who voted no for the resolution. That is all for now.


This commentary was published in Radikal daily on 06.11.2010

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