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Istanbul Forum Held its Eight Meeting Istanbul – Islamabad Train was also discussed in the meeting of the Forum which gathers private sector umbrella organizations from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey
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14/02/2014 - Viewed 1170 times

ANKARA – The Eight Meeting of Istanbul Forum which gathers private sector umbrella organizations was held in Ankara on February 13, 2014.


At the end of the meeting organized in the framework of the summit of the leaders of three countries, the following decisions were made:  to bring to the attention of the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan opening the  “Istanbul – Islamabad Train to transit trade through Afghanistan;  to promote the implementation of the agreements within Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) which aim at facilitating regional trade and investment; and to call the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency to sponsor the promotion of incubation centers such as TOBB ETÜ GARAJ in universities of Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to increase cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship.

The declaration of the Forum was submitted to the Tripartite Summit by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. The meeting was attended also by Güven Sak, Director of TEPAV which supports the Istanbul Forum.


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