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Presidential Debate: Obama Snaps Back Hard Washington Agenda / Roger Simon, Chief Political Columnist at the POLITICO
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19/10/2012 - Viewed 1453 times


"As well as Barack Obama did in his second presidential debate — and he did very well, indeed - - you still have to ask yourself one question: Why didn’t he do it in his first debate?

If, 12 days ago at the University of Denver, Obama had delivered the same high-energy, on-target, putdown of Mitt Romney as he did at Hofstra University Tuesday night, think of where he would be today.

He would not be trailing in the polls. He would not have the media circling over his head like vultures eyeing their next meal. He would not be trying to climb out of a hole, but would be moving forward instead.

Perhaps it was mere fatigue that night in Denver. Or overconfidence. Or lack of preparation. Or the altitude. Perhaps we will never know. Perhaps he will never know..."

Tags: Elections, USA,


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