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A Transatlantic Look at the Turkey-Russia-Iran Nexus… Dr. Stephen Flanagan of the US based Center for Strategic and International Studies assessed Turkey-Russia-Iran relations during a meeting at TEPAV.
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17/11/2011 - Viewed 2397 times


ANKARA – Dr. Stephen J. Flanagan of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington based think-tank working on international relations; spoke at TEPAV on November 17, 2011, Thursday. Flanagan assessed the Turkey-Russia-Iran nexus in a transatlantic approach.

Speaking during the roundtable meeting themed “The Turkey-Russia-Iran Nexus: Changing Dynamics in the Caspian and the Black Sea Regions”, Flanagan addressed the relations between Turkey, Russia and Iran as important countries of the region.

Pointing at the nexus, he emphasized the growing economic and trade relations between Turkey, Iran and Russia. The discussion revealed that there was a peaceful competition between the three countries.  Flanagan addressed a research project undertaken by the CSIS to assess the nexus of relations between Turkey, Russia and Iran. He said, “Deepening bilateral economic, energy, political, and security ties between each of these three pivotal countries is changing dynamics in the Caspian and Black sea region.” He stressed the need for understanding the relations between these three countries in order to understand the wider geopolitical developments of the region.

After the presentation by Flanagan, the audience including former diplomats, civil society and media representatives shared their comments.


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