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Commentary/Esen Çağlar: Being a top ten economy: are we dreaming? TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar assessed Turkey's aim to be a top-ten economy by 2023 in the light of a comparison of Turkey's performance with other countries in the list.
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14/11/2011 - Viewed 1633 times


Çağlar assessed:

"On a TV show recently, the program host was wandering through the streets of a rising Anatolian city, asking people how many weeks there were in a year. The majority of the respondents answered, “4 times 12, so 48 weeks,” while others took guesses like 8, 25 or 50. Even more upsetting was that some who tried to get to the answer by multiplying 4 and 12 failed to solve this simple multiplication problem and blurred out numbers like 46, 45, or 49. These were young university students. What got to me the most however, was that two young primary school teachers confidently responded “54 weeks.”


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