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TEPAV in the Executive Committee of the Union of European Think-Tanks TEPAV was elected for membership on the executive committee of EADI representing European think-tanks working on development.
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11/10/2011 - Viewed 1755 times
ANKARA – TEPAV was elected for membership on the executive committee of the union composed of European think-tanks working on development. Assoc. Prof. Ümit Özlale, TEPAV Training and Research Institute for Public Policy (TRIPP), will represent TEPAV at the executive committee of the organization named the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI).

EADI, which supports qualified training and research activities in the field of development works with governments, development agencies and international actors. The institution is executed by nineteen think-tanks throughout Europe.

The last of the annual conferences EADI organized with the Development Studies Association was held on 19-22 September at the University of York, England. The conference was themed “Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty: New Values, Voice and Alliances for Increased Resilience.” Assoc. Prof. Ümit Özlale, TEPAV TRIPP Director, spoke during the panel sessions of the conference.

Please click here for detailed information on the conference and presentations.


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