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TEPAV Monitors International Financial Developments TEPAV Finance Institute will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor of economics and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey.
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24/07/2011 - Viewed 1731 times

ANKARA - TEPAV will monitor international developments in finance and provide key information to the Turkish financial industry on the global developments. The Finance Institute established with this aim will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor of economics and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey.

A wide spectrum of issues from China to the Arab Spring on the radar

Major issues on the radar of the ninth TEPAV institute will be regulatory and political risks on banking and finance industries as well as recent innovations in emerging market financial systems. The focus areas of the Institute will involve G-20 efforts to improve global financial regulations, financial restructuring in China and its global implications, and potential effects of Arab Spring in the future of capital flows from Middle East and North Africa. The Institute will also study on innovative methods to improve financing of entrepreneurial ventures in cooperation with Harvard University.

International conferences will be held

The Finance Institute will organize a series of launch events. The International Conference on Global Financial Restructuring and Implications on Emerging Markets to be organized in Istanbul jointly with the World Bank is planned to host speakers from China Banking Regulatory Commission, Korea Capital Markets Institute. Another launch event will be the Hyman P. Minsky Conference on Financial Stability in Emerging Markets. The conference that will be held jointly with Levy Economics Institute of Bard College will host International speakers inspired by the work of late Hyman Minsky to present their studies on financial stability in the emerging markets in the era of global financial crisis.



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