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TEPAV is Accepting Applications for the Merih Celasun Award TEPAV is now accepting applications for the first Merih Celasun Award. The application deadline is September 15th, 2011
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06/07/2011 - Viewed 2471 times

ANKARA - TEPAV has launched an annual award in the memory of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who created remarkable solutions to Turkey's structural problems throughout his career. This year's topic will be "Turkey's growth problems" and applications are accepted until September 15th, 2011. The award for first place will be 10,000 TL.

The 2011 Merih Celasun Award jury will be made up of Dani Rodrik, Daron Acemoğlu, Hasan Ersel, Sumru Altuğ, Şevket Pamuk, Yılmaz Akyüz and Ziya Öniş. The Jury's decision will be publicly announced in December.

Participants should send their CV, application form, and the work with which they aim to participate along with a 1,000 word summary to yarisma@tepav.org.tr by September 15th.

Below are possible themes for works submitted to the Merih Celasun Award:

-          Policies for industrial and trade growth in a world of globalized production

-          The identification of growth areas and policies for their growth

-          The role of regional development in economic growth

-          Economic policies to increase savings rates

-          Policies to develop institutional foundations and human capital

-          The long-term growth effects of economic crises

-          Policies to facilitate Turkey's convergence with the welfare of developed countries

Please click here for the application form, and here to visit Merih Celasun Memorial Day website where the competition results will be announced.



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