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Global Entrepreneurship Program Signed with the USA In the context of the Global Entrepreneurship Program to be carried out by TOBB, TEPAV and the US Embassy in Ankara, important events to encourage entrepreneurship in Turkey will be held.
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23/06/2011 - Viewed 2885 times

ANKARA - TEPAV launched a program in cooperation with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the US Embassy in Ankara to encourage entrepreneurship. The Global Entrepreneurship Program involves events to bring together angel investors and entrepreneurs from the US and Turkey, partnerships in entrepreneurship training, and a policy study to improve university-based entrepreneurship in Turkey. The memorandum of understanding for the program was signed on Wednesday, June 22, 2011 by M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, TOBB President and Head of the TEPAV Board of Trustees; and H. E. Francis Ricciardone, US Ambassador to Ankara.

Delivering a speech at the signature ceremony, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the crisis in Europe had raised the need to enter new markets and that to gain a share in the US market, the most important one among those, Turkey had to increase high-technology exports. Stressing that Turkey has neither petroleum nor natural gas, but thousands of entrepreneurs, he said, "Now we want Turkish entrepreneurs to realize the global opportunities." Giving information about the events to be carried out in the context of the one-year program, he added:

Investors from the Silicon Valley to visit Turkey

"In November, we will host a committee of angel investors from the US and bring them together with Turkish angel investors. In December, we will host in Turkey successful entrepreneurs and investors from the Silicon Valley. This visit involves a business plan showcase in which select young Turkish will pitch to American investors, as well as a small business bootcamp that will involve with Turkish SMEs on our Allworld Turkey Fast Growth 25 list."

Stating that the program also involves events tailored for universities, he said GEP will involve entrepreneurship curriculum development in pilot universities in cooperation with prominent American universities in this area, such as Babson College. The TOBB President added that a policy study technology transfer system and technoparks will also be a part of the program.

Ricciardone: "Entrepreneurship is our mutual interest"

H. E. Ambassador Ricciardone stated that the program would develop Turkey's entrepreneurial base and thus support Turkey's economic goals and that they looked forward to working with TEPAV and TOBB, which they considered to be clear and logical partners. He maintained that entrepreneurship was a mutual interest for Turkey and the US and that they were aiming to advance their cooperation with Turkey via the program to be launched. Stressing that Turkey's modern economy offered a sophisticated platform for entrepreneurs, he said that they wanted to share with Turkey the US experience that had  empowered many inventors and enabled them to turn their dreams into new businesses.

US Ambassador emphasized that Google CEO Eric Schmidt, whom he had met in Turkey a few days earlier, also was excited about the program in question. In response to a question, he stated that Google wanted to increase trade and investments in Turkey and added:

"They are impressed by Turkey's dynamism. They are impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit of Turkey and the openness to competition. They also consider the competition of ideas to be impressive. Though, they had concerns about freedom of expression, the role of the state and its impact on the Internet."

The US Ambassador spoke in Turkish in a part of his speech and shared with the audience anecdotally that TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu advised him to drink echinacea for his cold. Francis Ricciardone said, "I am grateful to Doctor Rifat. I will drink it two times a day. Turkish medicine also has achieved world standards."


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