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Turkey to Cooperate with Afghanistan in the Energy Sector Paying a visit to TEPAV, Afghan Minister of Mines Waheedullah Shahrani stated that Turkey and Afghanistan are getting prepared for cooperating in the field of energy and have signed a memorandum of understanding in this respect.
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18/02/2011 - Viewed 2148 times

ANKARA - Afghan Minister of Mines Waheedullah Shahrani in an official trip in Turkey visited TEPAV on February 18, 2011. Shahrani stated that Turkey and Afghanistan are getting prepared for cooperation in the field of energy and that he has signed a memorandum of understanding in this respect with Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Taner Yıldız.

Paying a visit to TEPAV, Shahrani and the delegation were briefed about TEPAV's works. Minister Shahrani received information on the projects and works TEPAV carries out with a special emphasis on the Ankara Forum that TEPAV runs together with TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Focusing on the importance of economic integration across the region, Shahrani maintained that they wanted to benefit from Turkey's experience in the field of energy. He stated that in this context Turkey and Afghanistan have signed a "Memorandum of Understanding about Cooperation in the Field of Energy and Mineral Resources".




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