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‘Transatlantic Trends Survey’ will be Discussed in TEPAV In a conference to be hold by TEPAV in collaboration with the German Marshall Fund, 'Transatlantic Trends Survey: 2010 Findings' will be discussed in TEPAV.
17/09/2010 - Viewed 1764 times

ANKARA- An outlook of transatlantic relations will be reviewed in TEPAV. TEPAV and the German Marshall Fund will organise a conference on September 17, 2010. In the conference Prof. Dr. Ian Lesser will evaluate the results of the "Transatlantic Survey 2010". "Transatlantic Trends  Survey" measures broad public opinion in the U.S.A and European countries and gauges transatlantic relations. For the ninth consecutive year, participants were asked their views on each other and on global threats, foreign policy objectives, world leadership, and multilateral institutions.




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