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TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program Opens Two New Centers The Centers will work in Dokuz Eylül University and Kadir Has University
15/06/2010 - Viewed 1615 times ANKARA- TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program opened the third center out of Ankara in Izmir and the fourth center in Istanbul.

The center in Izmir will carry out activities in Dokuz Eylül University. Trainings will be organized in cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University Research and Implementation Center for Regional Development and Business (DEÜ BİMER). First of the trainings will be on 28 June - 4 July 2010 in Buca Campus.

The center in Istanbul will carry our activities in Kadir Has University. First of the trainings to be organized together with Kadir Has University Lifelong Learning Center is on 12-22 July 2010 in Kadir Has University Cibali Campus.

TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program previously opened two centers in Bursa and Gaziantep.



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