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Economic Integration of Eurasia: Opportunities and Challenges of Global Significance
29/09/2005- 1907 Mr. Johannes F. Linn, the Executive Director of the Wolfensohn Initiative at the Brookings Institution and the Former Vice-President of the World Bank, came to Ankara on September 29-30, 2005 upon the invitation of the Union of Chambers and Commodity [More]
TOBB, Central Asia, Chambers,
Iraqi Constitution: What is the Meaning Of Federalism?
27/09/2005- 1625 Discussion Points:The pending Iraqi constitution:- Does the constitution provide domestic and regional stability? Does the constitution exacerbate sectarian divisions in Iraq? Is there really a possibility of a civil war?A federal constitution:- What [More]
Ankara Forum Assembles for the 3rd Meeting   Ankara Forum aims to participate in the revitalization of Palestinian Free Industrial Zone.
Haber Resim
22/09/2005- 1664 ISTANBUL - The third meeting of the Ankara Forum that brings together the institutions representing the business world in Palestine, Israel and Turkey was held on September 20-21, 2005 in Istanbul. The Forum discussed the progress ensured by the [More]
Ankara Forum, Middle East, Industrial Estate (OIZ), Regional Integration,
A Delegation from TOBB and TEPAV-EPRI Made an Official Visit to Washington
18/09/2005- 2121 A delegation from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Economic Policy Research Institute (TEPAV-EPRI), made an official visit to Washington DC on September 18-19, 2005 The main purpose of the visit was to publici [More]
TOBB, Chambers,
Executive Committee Meeting- Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
20/08/2005- 1334 The executive committee meeting of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held in the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El Sheikh on August 20, 2005. The meeting discussed the ways to promote bilateral trade among the 59 member countries. The [More]
Tepav | Epri and ERF Launched the Country Profile for Turkey
13/08/2005- 1503 Tepav | Epri has supported the launching of the Turkey Country Profile on 13 August 2005. The Turkey Country Profile is a part of a series of 13 Profiles published by the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and the Institut de La Mediterrannee (IM), within [More]
Possible Future Cooperation Opportunities between the Truman Institute and the Economic Policy Research Institute
11/08/2005- 1809 The Director of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Prof. Eyal Ben-Ari and a research fellow from the same institution Dr. Anat Lapidot Firilla visited the Economic Policy Research Institute (TEPAV|EPRI) at an event j [More]
Fiscal Monitoring Report Launched
14/07/2005- 1865 TEPAV|EPRI has launched a Fiscal Monitoring Report evaluating the budget process and  developments in the area of public finance. The report is geared towards enabling public control on governmental policies and providing input to policy choices. The [More]
Anti-Corruption Conference
07/07/2005- 1842 Corruption is the single most detrimental scourge to economic activity, distribution of wealth and cause of poverty.Corruption is one of the main problems that Turkey must resolve, particularly on its path to EU membership. In policies combating corr [More]
European Union,
Turkey's EU Accession - Threat or Opportunity for Europe?
04/07/2005- 2163 Turkey's EU accession hangs in the balance, following the French and Dutch ‘no' to the EU constitutional treaty. Although the referenda were not about EU enlargement, opposition to Turkish membership played a role in the no-campaigns of both countrie [More]
European Union,