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"Crisis Measures for the Turkish Economy" Report
25/03/2009- 1739 ANKARA- TEPAV releaesed the "Crisis Measures for the Turkish Economy" report. Underlining that the global crisis now became a crisis for Turkey, the report maintained: that "Nonetheless, it is possible to limit the growth and employment losses posed [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Publication,
TEPAV Addresses Public Procurement Law Amendments:"How Valid is The EU Harmonization Rationale?"
13/03/2009- 2284 ANKARA- TEPAV recently assessed the amendments introduced in the Procurement Law. The evaluation, emphasizing the fact that among the general rationales of the amendment was making positive contributions to the EU harmonization process, said, "Some a [More]
Procurement Law, EU Legislation,
Evaluation Note / TEPAV A Return to the 1980s in Private Capital Flows
27/02/2009- 1415 This note prepared by TEPAV's Global Crisis Working Group evaluates how the capital movements towards developing countries evolved from 1970s to present and makes some inferences pertaining to the crisis environment. The close connection between th [More]
Private Capital Flows,
Evaluation Note / Neslihan Kaptanoğlu Results of the Israeli Elections: Peace Supporters are Losing Power in the Knesset
26/02/2009- 2384 The Israeli elections held on February 10, 2009 in the shadow of the Gaza crisis further complicated the leadership problem in the Middle East rather than solving it. The majority from the previous elections of 2009, supporting a two-state solution [More]
Elections, Israeli Elections,
Evaluation Note / Neslihan Kaptanoğlu Iraqi Provincial Elections Provide Hope for the Future of the Country
09/02/2009- 2532 The most recent elections in Iraq have not yet been completed. It may take a few more weeks until the official results of the Iraqi provincial elections are announced mainly due to the complex nature of the new election system implemented in the c [More]
Iraqi Elections, Elections,
"Talking Turkey" Project of TEPAV is in Brussels
09/02/2009- 1942 ANKARA- "An EU Communication Strategy for Turkey and Turkey's Communication Strategy for the EU" Conference organized within the scope of the "Talking Turkey" Project jointly led by TEPAV and Rome-based Istituto Affari Internazionali (International A [More]
European Union,
Hiltermann Evaluated the Upcoming Iraqi Provincial Elections at TEPAV
29/01/2009- 1474 ANKARA- Iraq will be going to the polls on January 31, 2009 for the first time in more than three years in a vital provincial council elections. Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG) published a report on these elections right beforehand. I [More]
Middle East, Elections, Iraqi Elections,
TEPAV: "Worst Fiscal Performance in the Last 9 Years"
28/01/2009- 1966 ANKARA - TEPAV, expressing that the claims that budget target had been achieved cannot be considered realistic in terms of budget credibility, maintained that in 2008, the worst fiscal performance in the last 9 years was demonstrated. TEPAV Fiscal M [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Budget Performance,
TEPAV And CSIS Cooperation For Turkish - American Relations
19/01/2009- 1546 TEPAV and CSIS cooperate for contributing to the improvement of Turkish-American relations. Within this perspective, both think-tanks are working on parallel reports that were discussed during the meeting held in Ankara on January 14, 2009. As a re [More]
Turkish - American Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy, Private Sector Development,
TEPAV Draws Attention To High Expenditures By Local Administrations
17/01/2009- 1899 ANKARA- TEPAV pointed out the high local administration expenditures. According to TEPAV, local administration expenditures reached 30,7 billion YTL as of the end of September 2008. It was also mentioned that local administrations' budget deficit was [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Budget Performance,