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The Turkish-Armanian Rapprochement was Adressed at TEPAV
17/11/2009- 1852 TEPAV hosted Alexander Iskandaryan, director of the Yerevan based Caucasus Institute at a roundtable discussion dedicated to the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement on 17 November. Alexander Iskandaryan analyzed the debate in Armenia and among Armenians o [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy,
4th Regional Development and Governance Symposium
16/11/2009- 1375   4th Regional Development and Governance Symposium will be held by TEPAV on 19th - 20th November 2009, in Ankara with the theme of "Governance of Social Development". The main objective of the Symposium is to bring internationally known academician [More]
Regional Development, Social Policy,
Policy Note / Dr. Burcu Gültekin Punsmann Unlocking Nakhichevan, the Gate of Orient - Şark Kapısı 
12/11/2009- 1934 The signature of the protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations and the development of relations by the Turkish and the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Zurich on 10 October 2009 brought winds of change in South Caucasus where t [More]
Caucasus Politics, Turkish Foreign Policy,
Policy Note / Dr. Burcu Gültekin Punsmann Moving Beyond Symbolism The Normalization of Turkish-Armenian Relations: a Window of Opportunity for Regional Prosperity?
23/10/2009- 2316 The signature of the protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations and the development of relations by the Turkish and the Armenian Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Zurich on 10 October 2009 concluded the two year long bilateral negotiation [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations, South Caucasus,
TEPAV : "Istanbul Decisions Are Of Great Importance For Turkey"
20/10/2009- 3325 ANKARA- TEPAV Policy Note "From 'Washington Consensus' to 'Istanbul Decisions': Where do we go?" stated that Istanbul Decisions are of great importance with respect to both the future of the global system and to the position of Turkey in the new glob [More]
G-20, Global Financial Crisis, International Financial Institutions,
Economic Crisis Hits The Urban Poor
29/09/2009- 1864 ANKARA- The Turkey Welfare Monitoring Survey, sponsored by TEPAV, UNICEF and the World Bank, conducted with 2100 families suggest that urban families, especially the poor, were affected quite negatively by the economic crisis. Nearly three quarters o [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Welfare,
Skewed Trade: Cash in Advance When Importing; but a Lack of Cash When Exporting
25/08/2009- 2052 ANKARA- Trade problems of Turkey partially originate from weak demand in the midst of the crisis, while another probelm stems from Turkey being the party that undertakes risk both in exports and imports. The Turkish tier of the World Bank Trade Fina [More]
Trade, Global Financial Crisis, Trade Finance,
TEPAV/Güven Sak: "Public-Private Partnership Model and Private Sector Development are Needed for the Development of Pakistan"
24/08/2009- 2086 ANKARA- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Guven Sak stated that public-private partnership model and private sector development are needed for the development of Pakistan as well as long-term stability. The Friends of Democratic Pakistan Group formed by 20 c [More]
Private Sector Development, Pakistan, Middle East,
"European Union, Our Common Future" Events in Kayseri
15/08/2009- 2198 KAYSERİ - TEPAV's second event in the series "European Union, Our Common Future" carried out in cooperation with The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Secretariat General for European Union Affairs (ABGS), was held on 14 [More]
Turkish Economy, Industrial Policy, EU Accession, Business Development,
TEPAV holds second Capacity Building Program for Pakistani Competition Authority
04/08/2009- 1307 ANKARA- The second capacity building program organized by the TEPAV Institute for Private Sector and Economic Development (IPSED) and Competition Authority of Turkey for Pakistan Competition Authority personnel was carried out between July 27 and Au [More]
Middle East,