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Istanbul Forum Convenes for the Fourth Meeting Istanbul Forum will work on human resources development in the short and medium term and on agricultural industrial zones, capacity building programs and microcredit based business development business development centers.
Haber Resim
25/01/2010- 2327 ISTANBUL - Fourth meeting of the Istanbul Forum bringing together Turkish, Afghan and Pakistani businesspeople to develop mutual dialogue and economic cooperation convened for the fourth time on January 25, 2010. At the meeting focus was agreed to [More]
Istanbul Forum, Middle East, Chambers, Industrial Estate (OIZ),
TRNC/ Nami: "Last Chance for a Solution in Cyprus"
15/01/2010- 1540 ANKARA- Özdil Nami, Representative of TRNC President Mehmet Ali Talat for United Nations and EU Affairs stated he believes that this is the last chance to find an integrated and federal solution for Cypriot Problem and said that if two leaders with a [More]
TEPAV: "Revised Budget Target Might Not Be Fulfilled Due To SSI"
11/01/2010- 1986 ANKARA – TEPAV stated that budget is faced with a pressure for expenditures above the level of SSI allowances and said: “Under these circumstances, it appears that the most significant risk that will lead to a budget deficit even below the revised le [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Budget Performance,
Evaluation Note / Erhan Türbedar Bosnia and Herzegovina on Its Way to 2010  
30/12/2009- 1272 The year 2009 is a year lost for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The right to a visa-free entry to the European Union granted to citizens of Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, wasn’t granted to those of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the lack of necessary a [More]
The Balkans,
TEPAV/SAK: "Turkey's growth shall be considered as the resultant of regional growth strategies."
23/12/2009- 1771 MANİSA- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak maintained that Turkey needs a growth strategy that utilizes the regional potential of Turkey to a higher extent, and said “Turkey’s growth shall be considered as the resultant of regional growth strategies. [More]
Regional Development, Growth,
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp How Do EU Decisions of December 2009 Summit Affect Turkey-EU Negotiation Process?
23/12/2009- 1905 The EU General Affairs Council (Foreign Ministers) meeting, whose prospect as an unpleasant turning point in Turkey’s relations with the EU and particularly in the negotiation process had aroused anxiety since 2006, was held quietly on 7-8 December [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession,
"Abkhazia for the Integration of the Black Sea" a publication by TEPAV
17/12/2009- 2404 ANKARA- TEPAV launched on 16 December the first issue of its background paper collection titled ‘Abkhazia for the Integration of the Black Sea’ co-published with ORSAM and drafted by Dr Burcu Gültekin Punsmann, Foreign Policy Analyst at TEPAV. The f [More]
Cross-border Cooperation, Regional Integration, Turkey - South Caucasus Relations, Engagement Policies toward Abkhazia, Publication,
Evaluation Note / Aslı Toksabay Esen New faces in top EU ranks and implications for Turkey
17/12/2009- 2050 The Lisbon Treaty, meant to introduce the much-needed reform to improve the institutions, structuring and functioning of the European Union, came into effect on December 1, 2009. A detailed overview of the Treaty, the changes it introduces and the [More]
Lisbon Treaty, EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession,
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Lisbon Treaty and Turkey at a First Glance
17/12/2009- 1985 The European Union (EU) has taken a significant step in its recent history of integration/deepening with the entry into force of Lisbon Treaty on 1st of December 2009, after a rather long and winding road. The starting point of this process was the [More]
EU - Turkey Relations,
TEPAV/SAK: "Opening Process Cannot Be Furthered Upon Good Intentions Alone"
23/11/2009- 1609 Diyarbakır – TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak stated that the democratic opening process was not successfully launched and said “However, that critical moment of confrontation has been faced one way or another. Now we must go through a period where [More]
Turkish Politics,