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TEPAV organized a Turkey trip for Amerikan journalist and experts
25/03/2010- 1804 With the trip organized by Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) a delegation consisting of American Journalists and blog writers visited Turkey between 17-24 March 2010. The delegation headed by Morton Abramowitz, Former US Ambassado [More]
Turkish - American Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy,
Recovery signals for TEPE: TEPE improved by 15.5 points in February 2010 compared with February 2009
02/03/2010- 1668 ANKARA- TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) Febuary 2010 results were announced. TEPE increased by 15.5 points in February 2010 compared with February 2009. Nonetheless, the index still moves at the negative zone.11.8 percent of the survey parti [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
TEPAV evaluated the 2009 budget results: “Declarations in more detail should be made for fiscal transparency”
25/02/2010- 1795 ANKARA-TEPAV asked for the clarification of some points regarding the source of the improvements in 2009 budget. TEPAV report said "Clarification of the level of stock liability that was not included in 2009 budget expenditures and was transferred to [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Budget Performance, Stability Institute,
TEPAV/SAK: “Fiscal Rule is required for sustainable and steady growth...”
22/02/2010- 2376 İSTANBUL- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak stated that a cap must be put on government expenditures through a fiscal rule in order to assure sustainable and stable growth. TEPAV Director Sak delivered a speech titled "Pace of European Union Enlarge [More]
European Union, Global Financial Crisis, Fiscal Rule,
State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey: Researcher/Journalist Alin Ozinian’s study was introduced with a meeting at TEPAV
18/02/2010- 2392 ANKARA- The results of the study "State of Armenian Irregular Immigrants in Turkey" conducted by Researcher/Journalist Alin Ozinian were disclosed with a meeting held at TEPAV on February 17 At the opening speech TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven SAK un [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations,
TEPAV/SAK: "There is a Linkage Between Cross-Border Economic Relations and Regional Development"
15/02/2010- 1957 Erivan- TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak underlined that there is a linkage between cross-border economic relations and regional development and said "Cross-border economic relations regional disparities among clusters can be tackled, which will be [More]
South Caucasus, Turkey - South Caucasus Relations, Regional Integration, Cross-border Cooperation,
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Turkey's Visa Policy : Has Turkey given up its demand of free movement in the EU? 
05/02/2010- 2198 Turkey has been applying a liberal and flexible visa policy towards its neighboring countries in Caucasus and Middle East for quite some time. As of 2009, visa policy for the following countries was liberalized further and visa requirements were ab [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy,
Evaluation Note / Aslı Toksabay Esen Why the Unease among EU Citizens Over Turkey's Membership?
03/02/2010- 2247 Due to the intensification of the impact of the global crisis on Turkey's economy, the capacity to create new employment opportunities has become constrained and significant employment losses have been observed. The unemployment rate, which varied [More]
EU Accession,
Confidence Improves in Retail Sector
03/02/2010- 1877 ANKARA- TEPE improved by 12.1 points in January-2010 compared to the same period in the last year. 14.7 percent of survey participants in January 2010 indicated that their business activity increased compared to January 2009 while 62.4 percent of the [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Policy Note / Dr. Burcu Gültekin Punsmann Thinking about the Caucasus as a Land Bridge between Turkey and Russia
27/01/2010- 2222 Turks and Russians have never had such amicable contacts, never intermingled and cooperated so closely. The historical reconciliation process between Turkey and Russia should generate the same degree of enthusiasm as did the French - German reconci [More]
Turkey-Russia Relations,