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TEPAV: “It Is the Wrong Policy Decisions In 2007 That Pushed Up Meat Prices” TEPAV's study indicated that meat imports cannot be the solution and stressed the need for market regulation to prevent a major crisis.
07/06/2010- 1337 ANKARA- TEPAV underlined that the recent rise in meat prices resulted from the wrong policy decisions in 2007 and stated that meat imports cannot solve the problem. TEPAV policy note "How must the increase in meat prices be interpreted?" written b [More]
Agriculture and Livestock Sector,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series -1/ Two Meanings of Rule of Law
Haber Resim
07/06/2010- 3378   ANKARA- In the first seminar of the Constitution Experts Seminar Series launched by TEPAV, Prof. Jan-Erik Lane from Freiburg University delivered a speech titled "Two Meanings of Rule of Law." Prof. Dr. Jan-Erik Lane, one of the prominent politic [More]
Significance of G20 will be discussed at TEPAV
03/06/2010- 1702   ANKARA- TEPAV organized a meeting to discuss the G20 on the eve of the G20 Toronto Summit to be held on June 26-27, 2010. At the meeting to be held at TEPAV on Monday, opening speeches will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Güven Sak, TEPAV Managing Dire [More]
TEPE decreased by 6.6 points in May
Haber Resim
02/06/2010- 1793 TEPE, which ensured an upwards trend since January 2010 and reached the highest level so far in April-2010, decreased by 6.6 points compared to the April 2010. On the other hand, TEPE recovered by 2.6 points compared to May 2009. Prospective expecta [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
TEPAV: “Public Financial Management System is not Adequate for Fiscal Rule” TEPAV stated that the soundness of the fiscal rule implementation process will be closely related with the steps proposed to be taken in the draft law submitted to the TBMM (The Grand National Assembly of Turkey).
31/05/2010- 1809 ANKARA- TEPAV said that the restructuring achieved in public financial management is currently insufficient for a healthy fiscal rule implementation and maintained "The Draft Law on Fiscal Rule, taking these exact insufficiencies into account, prop [More]
Fiscal Rule,
The Model of "Public-Private Partnership" was Discussed in TEPAV In a round table meeting which was organised by TEPAV with the theme "Public-Private Sector Partnership", issues including ways to guide sectors' interests, country examples and  current state in Turkey and steps taken in the field of privatization were discussed.
21/05/2010- 2752 [More]
TRIPP, Privatization, Public-Private Partnership,
TEPAV Russian Center opened
Haber Resim
12/05/2010- 2239 ANKARA- Russian Center was launched in TOBB ETÜ campus in cooperation with TEPAV and Russkiy Mir Foundation.TEPAV Director Güven Sak, TOBB ETÜ Rector Yücel Altunbaşak and Russkiy Mir Foundation Director Vyacheslav Nikonov participated at the opening [More]
Russian Center,
TEPAV: Finance Problems Had a Role in the Decrease in Exports If the contraction in the use of L/C finance could have been limited to the level of contraction in the use of other finance methods, exports could have been US$5 billion higher.
11/05/2010- 1474 ANKARA- TEPAV underlined that finance problems influenced the fall in exports and that if the finance problems were overcome with necessary measures, Turkey's exports in 2009 could have been US$5 billion higher. TEPAV Policy Note 'Trade and Trade [More]
Trade, Trade Finance,
Working Paper/Hasan Ersel Vulnerability to External Financial Shocks: The Case of Turkey
05/05/2010- 1972 For many observers, Turkey's performance during the "2007+ global financial crisis" was puzzling. In the first half of the 2009, Turkey was one of the worst affected countries in the world. In addition, the Turkish government was too slow to react, [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Turkish Economy,
TEPE reaches the highest level so far: TEPE improved by 9.0 points in April 2010 compared to the same period in the last year.
Haber Resim
03/05/2010- 1715 ANKARA- TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) April 2010 results were announced. Compared to the same period in the last year, TEPE increased by 9.0 points in April 2010 achieving the highest level ever. Total recovery since December 2009, the tro [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,