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Policy Note / Recep Doğan An Evaluation of the Recent Proposal Aiming to Improve Conditions of "Children Throwing Stones to Security Forces" by Amending Certain Statutes
29/06/2010- 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989 and came into force on September 2, 1990.  After the ratification of the Convention by TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) [More]
Child Rights, Turkish Legal System,
TEPAV: “Interesting Developments in The ‘Direct Trade Regulation’ Process…” TEPAV EU Director Arısan Eralp: "We want to believe that any EU institution and any EU member state that seeks a just, sustainable and comprehensive solution in the island, as well as a fair accession negotiation process for Turkey, would not accept such an attitude."
Haber Resim
24/06/2010- 1973 ANKARA- "Direct Trade Regulation" draft expected to be discussed  by the political leadership of the European Parliament on June 10, 2010 was not adressed on the scheduled meeting. Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament adjourned the [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, EU Legislation,
Economists Specialized On The Middle East Convene In Istanbul The international spring/summer conference of Middle East Economic Association member economists studying on Middle Eastern economies will be held on 24-26 June 2010.
22/06/2010- 2243 ANKARA- The ninth conference of the Middle East Economic Association- MEEA, members of which are academic economists throughout the world studying on Middle Eastern economies is convened in Istanbul. The conference organized in cooperation with IT [More]
Middle East,
TEPAV Constitution Studies -1: Checks and Balances on Political Power and Constitutions... Decisions of supreme courts are a matter of debate in numerous countries from USA to Russia.
21/06/2010- 1961 ANKARA- Debates around the Constitutional Court, one of the top priority agenda items recently, are not unique to Turkey. "Frictions" between the ruling parties and supreme courts surface in other countries of the world as well. Similar debates fir [More]
Constitution, Constitution Platform,
Recent Report of Transatlantic Academy was Discussed at TEPAV The report "Getting to Zero : Turkey, Its Neighbours and the West" was presented  by its authors, namely Ahmet EVİN , Kemal KİRİŞÇİ, Ronald H. LINDEN and Nathalie TOCCI.
Haber Resim
15/06/2010- 2885 In the conference   organised by Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), together with the German Marshall Fund of the United States  the recent report of the Transatlantic Academy ("Getting to Zero : Turkey, Its Neighbours and the W [More]
Turkish Foreign Policy,
TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program Opens Two New Centers The Centers will work in Dokuz Eylül University and Kadir Has University
15/06/2010- 1616 ANKARA- TOBB|CISCO Entrepreneurship Program opened the third center out of Ankara in Izmir and the fourth center in Istanbul. The center in Izmir will carry out activities in Dokuz Eylül University. Trainings will be organized in cooperation with [More]
Entrepreneurship ,
TEPAV Trains Afghan Governors Good Public Management Training aiming to improve the management skills of public administrators will continue until June 12th
Haber Resim
10/06/2010- 2438 ANKARA- TEPAV gives Good Public Administration Training to public administrators of Vardak to improve their management skills. Participants of the training offered in the context of the activities of Vardak Provincial Reconstruction Team consti [More]
Local Governance, Public Management,
TEPAV Hosted Young Diplomats from Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization Member Countries TEPAV Director Sak : "With the performance attained over the last three decades, Turkey became one of the most important economies of the region"
Haber Resim
09/06/2010- 2558 ANKARA- In the context of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Young Diplomats Training Program, a group of young diplomats from Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, and Greece visited TEPAV. In his speech, TEPAV Directo [More]
Black Sea, Regional Integration, Regional Development,
TEPAV: “EU Can Take a Step for the Solution of the Cyprus Problem”
Haber Resim
09/06/2010- 2274   ANKARA- TEPAV explained that the adoption of the Direct Trade Regulation to be discussed by the European Parliament on June 10th can be a significant step in terms of both the solution of the Cyprus problem and the lifting of the barriers beyond T [More]
European Union, Cyprus, EU - Turkey Relations,
Global Economy and Significance of G20 was Discussed at TEPAV
Haber Resim
08/06/2010- 4294   ANKARA- TEPAV and Canada Embassy organized a meeting to discuss the significance of G20 at the eve of G20 Toronto Summit to be held on June 26-27 2010. Opening speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Güven Sak, TEPAV Director, Serap Özcoşkun, Deputy [More]
G-20, Global Financial Crisis,