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Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Can "Competition Policy Chapter" be Opened to Negotiation as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron Says?
Haber Resim
27/07/2010- 1850 At his speech in TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) on July 27, 2010 David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said that they expect the competition chapter to be opened as the next step in the accession process wi [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series - 3 Ulrich Preuss, Mithat Sancar and Mesut Yeğen spoke at TEPAV.
26/07/2010- 1710 In the third seminar of the TEPAV Constitutional Experts Seminar Series, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Preuss, Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut Yeğen talked about coexistence, citizenship and the integrating role of constitutions. Prof. Dr. U [More]
Constitution Making, Constitution Platform,
Third Constitution Meeting at TEPAV Today's panel has the theme 'Constitutions, Citizenship and Coexistence'. The seminar on Tuesday will be about 'Constitution Making: Constitutional Design, Challenges, Considerations'.
26/07/2010- 1418 ANKARA- Third and fourth events of the TEPAV Constitutional Experts Seminar Series will be held today and on Tuesday. The theme of the panel to be carried out today is 'Constitutions, Citizenship and Coexistence'. At the panel, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pr [More]
Constitution, Constitution Platform,
Verheugen at TEPAV Günter Verheugen, Former Vice President of the European Union and Advisor to the TOBB President, evaluated the latest developments in EU and EU-Turkey Relations.
Haber Resim
22/07/2010- 1629 ANKARA- Günter Verheugen, Former Vice President of the European Union and Advisor to the TOBB President, evaluated the latest developments in EU and EU-Turkey Relations in a roundtable meeting organized by TEPAV on July 22, 2010. Referring to the [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, European Union,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series –2/'Legislative-Executive Relations, Government Systems and Turkey' Panel Second event in TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminars held.
19/07/2010- 2961 ANKARA- The second seminar of the TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series was held on July 19, 2010 in Ankara with the theme 'Legislative-Executive Relations, Government Systems and Turkey'. The panel, where alternative government systems in the [More]
Constitution, Constitution Platform,
Prof. Dr. Kuran analyzed the Institutional Roots of Economic Underdevelopment in the Middle East Kuran identifies that Islamic law and the waqfs lied at the root of the underdevelopment.
17/07/2010- 2363 ANKARA- Research by Prof. Dr. Timur Kuran titled "Institutional Roots of Economic Underdevelopment in the Middle East" concludes that  Islamic law and waqfs hindered economic development.   Prof. Kuran, one of the prominent experts on the econom [More]
Middle East, Development,
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp If There Is Will, Obstacles Can Be Overcome:  Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy Chapter Has Been Opened Against All The Odds
Haber Resim
16/07/2010- 1515 Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy Chapter was opened to negotiations on June 30, 2010, the last day of the Spanish Presidency. This is the 13th chapter that has been opened since the beginning of the negotiations initiated on October [More]
EU Accession,
TEPAV: “Method Of Liquidation Of The Obligations Of Public Institutions Is Not Compatible With Fiscal Transparency” TEPAV criticizes that the bill of law negotiated by the TGNA allows the institutions the obligations of which are liquidated to account the fiscal transactions in form of transfers out of the budget.
13/07/2010- 1917 ANKARA - TEPAV criticized the "Bill of Law on the Regulation of Certain Obligations and Receivables of Some Public Institutions and Agencies" which is currently discussed at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TGNA) and said: "The bill of law al [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Fiscal Discipline, Budget Performance,
Per Capita Health Expenditures Converge to EU Average, Indicators Improve
09/07/2010- 1673   ANKARA- TEPAV declared that Turkey's health expenditures and main health indicators converge to EU-15 average. In the period between 1980 and 2008 health expenditures in Turkey increased, life expectancy rose and infant mortality rate reduced sign [More]
Health Sector, Health Reform,
TEPE decreased by 1.2 points in June The Indicator did not change considerably compared to June 2009.
Haber Resim
02/07/2010- 1820 ANKARA- Trend of recovery observed since the beginning of the year turned downwards over the last two months. In June 2010 TEPE decreased by 1.2 points compared to the previous month. TEPE in June 2010 is quite close to the level in June 2009. The [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,