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Workshop on Improving Investment Climate Started TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu: "We know what we can do when we break our chains" TEPAV Director Sak: "We have a valuable experience in improving the investment climate"
Haber Resim
21/09/2010- 2668 İSTANBUL - The workshop organized by TEPAV in collaboration with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and World Bank with the theme "Improving Investment Climate for Economic Growth" started [More]
Investment Climate, TRIPP,
"Transatlantic Trends Survey" Discussed at TEPAV In a conference, held by TEPAV in collaboration with the German Marshall Fund, 'Transatlantic Trends Survey: 2010 Findings' was discussed.
Haber Resim
20/09/2010- 2107 ANKARA- TEPAV and the German Marshall Fund (GMF) organised a conference on September 17, 2010. In the conference held at TEPAV, Prof. Dr. Ian Lesser evaluated the results of the "Transatlantic Survey 2010". In his speech, Lesser focused on the k [More]
Turkish Foreign Policy,
Policy Note / Burcu Gültekin Punsmann, PhD. The On going Official Contacts and Cooperation on the Turkish-Armenian Border: The Impossibility for Neighbours to Elude Geography
Haber Resim
15/09/2010- 3617 The 328 km long Turkish-Armenian border starts near Lake Çıldır, and extends to Dilucu, near Iğdır, running southwards following the Aras River. The military zones flanking on both sides the border isn't though entirely closed to civilians and le [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations, Caucasus,
Evaluation Note / PhD. Levent Gönenç 2010 Proposed Constitutional Amendments to the 1982 Constitution of Turkey
Haber Resim
14/09/2010- 5509 The current constitution of Turkey, which was adopted by a nationwide referendum on 7 November 1982, has been amended sixteen times since its inception. Nine of these amendments were implemented under the rule of the Justice and Development Party ( [More]
Constitution Making, Constitution Platform,
TEPE Achieves The Positive Zone For The First Time TEPE increased by 5.7 and 8.3 points compared to the month before and August 2009, respectively.
Haber Resim
02/09/2010- 1347 ANKARA- TEPE, for the first time since May 2008, achieved the positive zone and reached 3.2 as of August 2010. TEPE increased by 5.7 and 8.3 points compared to the month before and August 2009, respectively. Expectations for the next 3 months cont [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
‘Balkan Express’ Returns to Turkey TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar served as a general advisor to the Project
25/08/2010- 1437 ANKARA- 'Balkan Express' Project carried out in cooperation by TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation) and Turkish State Railways ended. The Project in which TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar served as a general advisor, aimed to b [More]
The Balkans,
Overcoming hurdles in Turkey-US relations … A roundtable meeting was held at TEPAV with the participation of Bülent Alirıza, CSIS Turkey Project Director.
04/08/2010- 2017 ANKARA- Bülent Ali Rıza, Turkey Project Director in US based think-tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), participated as a keynote speaker to a roundtable meeting at TEPAV to discuss the future of Turkey-US relations. Underli [More]
Turkish - American Relations,
TEPE increased in July 2010 Expectations play a crucial role in the improvement.  
Haber Resim
03/08/2010- 1723 TEPE which tended downwards over the last two months started to increase again as of July 2010. The Index improved by 6.2 points compared to the month before and by 4.3 points compared to the same month in the year before. The recovery in expectati [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
TEPAV: “Shift of Axis in Exports…” TEPAV research says: . Turkey failed to accompany the rest of the world in the recovery in exports . There is a shift of axis away from EU market toward other markets . Market share of Turkey drops despite the depreciation of lira while market share of China increases despite the appreciation of its currency"
28/07/2010- 1524 ANKARA- TEPAV emphasized that Turkey could not accompany the rest of the world in the recovery in exports after the crisis and stated that Turkey's exports shifted away from EU market. Policy Note entitled: 'Export Losses in the EU Market' by Asso [More]
Trade, Exports,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series – 4 Prof. Dr. Preuss: "Constitutional Court has the authority to check constitutional amendment proposals"
Haber Resim
27/07/2010- 1905 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Preuss from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin was at TEPAV to deliver a seminar on the challenges and the key considerations in the constitution-making process. In his speech, Preuss maintained that Constitutional Court has [More]
Constitution Platform, Constitution Making,