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TEPAV Director Sak: "You can not become a regional power if yo do not know your neighbors well" Delivering an opening speech in the Conference "Russian Language Education in Turkey", Sak maintained that a country who does not know the countries of the region well and have experts in this field could not became a regional power and underlined that Turkey has to built capacity in this regard.
Haber Resim
25/10/2010- 1936 ANKARA - "Russian Language Education" Conference organized by TEPAV Russian Center in cooperation with TOBB ETU Department of International Entrepreneurship and Moscow State University Center for Foreign Language Education began in Ankara on Octobe [More]
Entrepreneurship , Turkey-Russia Relations, Russian Center,
TEPAV will be guiding Islamic countries to adapt Turkey's OIZ model Signing a cooperation protocol with Islamic Development Bank, TEPAV will be guiding Islamic countries on private sector development, economic integration issues and especially on Organized Industrial Zones model of Turkey.
Haber Resim
15/10/2010- 3369 ANKARA - TEPAV has got ready to guide the adaptation of Turkey's Organized Industrial Zones (OIZ) model to Islamic countries. A tripartite Project will be launched between TEPAV, Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), an Isl [More]
TRIPP, Private Sector Development, Organized Industriel Zones,
Post-crisis prescription for Turkey: "Tight monetary policy instead of capital controls" At the panel titled "How to Manage Capital Flows" organized by Global Development Learning Network, Anne Krueger recommended 'tight monetary policy' to Turkey in response to the question of TEPAV as to which policies other than capital controls could Turkey implement.
Haber Resim
11/10/2010- 2556 ANKARA - At the panel titled "How to Manage Capital Flows" organized by Global Development Learning Network, a World Bank Organization' the question on the management of capital flows after the crisis, posed by TEPAV on behalf of Turkey was discuss [More]
Private Capital Flows, Monetary Policy, Global Financial Crisis,
TEPAV will guide to Islamic countries for private sector development Signing a cooperation protocol with Islamic Development Bank, TEPAV will be guiding Islamic countries on private sector development and economic integration issues.
Haber Resim
07/10/2010- 2808 İSTANBUL - TEPAV and Islamic Development Bank signed a protocol on economic cooperation on October 6, 2010. With the signing of the protocol a project has been launched with TEPAV, Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (I [More]
TRIPP, Private Sector, Organized Industriel Zones,
Surge in TEPE Continues TEPE stood at 6.8 in September 2010
Haber Resim
04/10/2010- 1867 ANKARA- TEPE, maintaining the upward trend, stood at 6.8 in September 2010. TEPE increased by 3.6 points month-on-month and by 11.7 points year-on-year. Expectations for the next three months remained constant in September 2010, compared to the mo [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
TEPAV Warned About the Danger Ahead: ‘Middle Income Trap’ Stating that Turkey cannot preserve competitiveness relying on strategies based on cheap labor and labor intensive export sectors TEPAV stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the transformation process.
Haber Resim
30/09/2010- 2381 ANKARA - Stating that Turkey cannot preserve and improve competitiveness relying on strategies based on cheap labor and labor intensive export sectors TEPAV stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the transformation process in order to avoid th [More]
Industrial Policy, Exports, Innovation,
Iraq Faces Uncertainties While Paying Effort to Form a Government The latest developments about Iraq have been evaluated at TEPAV with the participation of Dr. Joost Hiltermann, the International Crisis Group Deputy Program Director for the Middle East and North Africa.
Haber Resim
29/09/2010- 1791 ANKARA - TEPAV organised a round table meeting with the theme "Iraq's Uncertain Future, The Baghdad-Erbil Conflict and Relations with Turkey" on September 27, 2010. Deputy Program Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International C [More]
Middle East,
TEPAV: “Large Firms are Still Cautious” TEPAV stated that though large firms started to recover from the 2008 crisis, they remained cautious in terms of investment behaviors.
27/09/2010- 1371 ANKARA - TEPAV stated that though large firms affected adversely by the 20008 crisis started to recover, they remained cautious particularly in terms of investments. Policy note "From the 2008 Crisis to Today: Large Firms are Still Cautious" by TE [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Investment Climate,
Embassy of Sweden Visited TEPAV After the Referendum In a visit of the delegation from Embassy of Sweden to TEPAV, Sak talked about political prospects after the Referendum
23/09/2010- 1593 ANKARA - A delegation from Embassy of Sweden visited TEPAV on September 23, 2010. The delegation was briefed about Turkey's economy and political prospects after the Referendum on constitutional change by TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak. Sak m [More]
Economic Transformation, Constitution,
TEPAV: "Measures to Support Export Performance are Needed" TEPAV states that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports.
Haber Resim
22/09/2010- 2133 ANKARA- TEPAV stated that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports and warned that otherwise, alon [More]
Growth, Exports, Second Generation Reforms, Global Financial Crisis,