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TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Çağlar: “A Jump is Needed and Industrial Policy is the Answer” Delivering a speech in the annual conference of Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Economics Institutes (FEMISE) Çağlar emphasized that Turkey faces the risk of "middle income trap" and that the answer to the needed Jump is a new industrial policy.
Haber Resim
24/11/2010- 1790 ROME - TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar emphasized that Turkey is stuck in between two 'worlds' and needs the new industrial policy.  Evaluating Turkey's industry Çağlar stated that it is challenging for Turkey to converge to US and EU i [More]
Industrial Policy, Economic Transformation, Innovation,
Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Representative Mr. Inzko: "No future without regional consensus" Delivering a speech at TEPAV, Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Representative Mr. Inzko said a new regional spirit was achieved at the Balkans in the 15th anniversary of Dayton Peace Agreement and underlined that future of the region can be established solely upon cooperation and consensus.
Haber Resim
23/11/2010- 1888 ANKARA - High Representative and EU Special Representative Valentin Mr. Inzko, stated that Balkans are witnessing a regional spirit upon cooperation and consensus and draw an optimistic picture for the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 15th ann [More]
The Balkans, European Union, Regional Integration, Dayton Peace Agreement,
TEPAV Director Sak: "Let’s Enrich the Turkish-American Model Partnership with Innovation" Sak delivered a speech at the '26th Transatlantic Conference' organized by US based think-tank the Franklin Center and TOBB and asked for the enriching of the Turkish-American model partnership with projects that will advance innovations in Turkey.
Haber Resim
08/11/2010- 2042 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that Turkey, which is currently a medium-technology industrial country, now targets to become an innovation-driven rich country and thus projects to this end should be developed in the context of t [More]
Turkish - American Relations, Innovation, Unemployment,
TEPAV Director Sak: "Entrepreneurs cannot work like superheros; entrepreneurship must be democratized" Speaking at the 'Entrepreneurship Congress' organized by TOBB, Sak underlined capital is required but not sufficient for entrepreneurship and said: "Democratization of entrepreneurship is probably the most critical phenomenon of the era."
Haber Resim
06/11/2010- 2518 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak said that entrepreneurship in Turkey must be democratized and entrepreneurs should no longer be asked to work like superheros. Underlining that capital is necessary but not sufficient for entrepreneursh [More]
Entrepreneurship , Innovation, R&D,
Evaluation Note/Erhan Türbedar, PhD Romanian Government Shaken By Economic Crisis
Haber Resim
04/11/2010- 1619 Romanian cities have recently been the stage for mass demonstrations to protest against the measures the government has taken to safeguard the economy. Romanians' support for the Emil Bok government is steadily waning because of the political measu [More]
Global Financial Crisis, European Union, The Balkans,
TEPAV Director Sak: "With Istanbul Forum We Focused on Small but Important Steps on the Ground" Delivering a speech at the 4th Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan, Sak stated that in Istanbul Forum carried out in cooperation with Afghanistan and Pakistan, Turkey focused on small but important steps on ground.
Haber Resim
03/11/2010- 2377 ISTANBUL - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak stated that in the operations pertaining to the Istanbul Forum, a tripartite dialogue mechanism between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey, they focused on small but important steps on the ground. Sak m [More]
Private Sector, Private Sector Development, Regional Development, Istanbul Forum, Investment Climate,
Senior Bureaucrats from Pakistan Visited TEPAV A delegation from Pakistani National Management College of Pakistan intended for training senior public officials visited TEPAV for a briefing on Turkey's economy.
Haber Resim
03/11/2010- 2357 ANKARA -A delegation from Pakistani National Management College paid a visit to TEPAV on November 3, 2010. The delegation composed of senior bureaucrats working in public authorities in sectors including water and energy, security, education, commu [More]
TRIPP, South Asia,
TEPE Increases Year-On-Year by 11.4 Points in October TEPE, which tended downwards in October after three months of consecutive increase, demonstrated a year-on year rise by 11.4.
Haber Resim
02/11/2010- 1627 ANKARA - TEPE, which continues rising since July 2010 tended downwards in October 2010 and stood at 1.1.TEPE demonstrated 5.7 points of month-on-month fall and 11.4 points of year-on-year increase.   Expectations for the next three months decrea [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Employment for 300 Women Targeted in Amasya, Which Lags Behind in Female Labour Force Participation... With an EU funded project implemented by TEPAV, participation of 300 women to formal employment and improvement of women's entrepreneurial capacity is targeted for Amasya, one of the worst performing provinces with respect to female labor force participation.
Haber Resim
26/10/2010- 2970 ANKARA - In the context of a European Union (EU) funded project, TEPAV initiated efforts to increase formal employment in Amasya, one of the worst performing provinces with respect to female labour force participation. The opening meeting of [More]
Employment, European Union, Regional Development, Entrepreneurship ,