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Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Another EU Summit in Vain for Turkey
Haber Resim
20/12/2010- 2505 EU leaders have endorsed the decisions of the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) taken on 14 December 2010 regarding Turkey. Frankly speaking,  neither the EU Summit on 16-17 December 2010, nor the preceding meeting of GAERC had [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, Cyprus,
TEPAV: "Higher Education Board Harms the Economy" TEPAV's research identified that the lack of autonomy across universities in Turkey affected innovation performance adversely.
Haber Resim
14/12/2010- 2375 ANKARA-TEPAV research aiming to shed light on the correlation between the higher education system in Turkey and competitiveness identified that the lack of autonomy across universities in Turkey affected innovation performance adversely. TEPAV pol [More]
Education , Innovation, R&D, Economic Development, Competitiveness,
TEPAV Inaugurates the ‘Merih Celasun Memorial Day’ Events TEPAV inaugurates 'Merih  Celasun Memorial Day' events in commemoration of Prof. Merih Celasun who made valuable contributions to economics. In the first event of the series Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University will deliver a presentation.
Haber Resim
14/12/2010- 2284 ANKARA - TEPAV, as a think-tank concentrating on identifying the problems of Turkey's economy and providing short and long term policies to remedy these problems, inaugurates memorial events for Prof. Merih Celasun who offered important solutions [More]
Turkish Economy, Merih Celasun Memorial Day,
Prof. Hausmann: “Diversify product pattern and focus on India than China” In a roundtable meeting organized by TEPAV Hausmann delivered a speech with the title 'Turkey's Growth and Regional Development'.
Haber Resim
08/12/2010- 2440 ISTANBUL -Prof. Ricardo Hausmann, Director of Harvard University Center for International Development, stated that the development of average consumption patterns in the world is similar to Turkey's export pattern and made some recommendations fo [More]
Industrial Policy, Exports, Regional Development, Growth,
Evaluation Note / Bengisu Özenç & Selin Arslanhan An Evaluation of PISA 2009 Results
Haber Resim
08/12/2010- 2947   "Turkey is amongst the countries who achieved the largest score improvements; however we could not make it to the upper level. In the assessment where 1 denotes the worst and 6 denotes the best performance, Turkey's level is 2 in all three ca [More]
Second Generation Reforms, Education ,
Commentary/Esen Çağlar: On the Spread of Industry and Movie Theatres in Anatolia Commentary by TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar 'On the Spread of Industry and Movie Theatres in Anatolia' is published.
Haber Resim
06/12/2010- 1593 The commentary assessed: Regions failing to attract qualified brains will face the risk of losing competitiveness. A province can become a center of attraction to the extent that it is livable. Thus, the number of movie theatres in Turkey, which s [More]
Industrial Policy, Private Sector Development, Life Quality,
South Africa advices Turkey: “Use Your Strong City Power on Creating Provincial Government” Philip Van Ryneveld who has been involved in the constitution making studies of South Africa in the middle 1990's advice Turkey to ensure localization and to create strong city government in the meeting of TEPAV.
Haber Resim
03/12/2010- 2509 ANKARA - Philip Van Ryneveld who became an advisor on decentralization to the African National Congress (ANC) during the constitutional negotiations distinguished with the ethnicity and decentralization issues said that he is optimistic about Sou [More]
Constitution Making, Constitution, Local Governance, Localization, South Africa,
TEPE in the Negative Zone in November 2010: -2.7 Achieving positive values since August 2010, TEPE went to the negative zone in November and stood at -2.7.
Haber Resim
02/12/2010- 1823 ANKARA - Achieving positive values since August 2010, TEPE went to the negative zone in November and stood at -2.7. TEPE dropped by 3.8 points month-on-month and increased by 7.2 points year-on-year. In November 2010 expectations for the next 3 mo [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp Quest for New Formulas in Turkey and EU Relations (New Models Based on "Good Faith" and "Necessity")
Haber Resim
30/11/2010- 2411 Lately, the deadlock  in Turkey's EU accession process  and the interpretation of Turkey's  active foreign policy as  a  "shift of axis" by some segments of "western world"  resulted  in such evaluations where one of the factors behind Turkey's new [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, Gradual Integration, Strategic Dialogue,
Transatlantic relations in the shade of missile shield With a meeting held at TEPAV transatlantic relations were discussed in the shade of the missile shield issue occupying the foreign policy agenda.
Haber Resim
26/11/2010- 1717   ANKARA - In the meeting hosted by TEPAV on 26 November 2010, transatlantic relations were discussed in the shade of the missile shield issue occupying the foreign policy agenda. The meeting organized by TEPAV and Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) [More]
Turkish - American Relations, Middle East, NATO, Transatlantic Relations,