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Afghan Reconciliation Efforts and the State of Affairs in the Region… In a meeting at TEPAV, with Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide as the key note speaker, the current state of Afghanistan was evaluated via the last 10 years' facts in the country.
Haber Resim
11/01/2011- 1934 ANKARA - TEPAV organized a roundtable meeting with the theme "Afghan Reconciliation Efforts and Regional Implications".  Espen Barth Eide, Deputy Foreign Minister of Norway, which has troops in Afghanistan was the keynote speaker. Delivering a s [More]
Middle East, Afghan Reconciliation,
The Turkish OIZ Model for Yemen, Which Faces a Tough Investment Climate An organized industrial zone with a favorable environment for investors will be established in Yemen, which despite being important for the Middle East and Africa market presents an investment environment with a variety of difficulties.
Haber Resim
11/01/2011- 2151 YEMEN - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak stated that the economic cooperation between Turkey and Yemen will be solidified through an organized industrial zone (OIZ) project to be launched in Yemen in order to improve the investment climate. Sa [More]
Industrial Estate (OIZ), Middle East, Regional Development,
TEPAV: "Turkey’s Sovereign Rating Cannot be Upgraded Easily " TEPAV stated that Turkey strongly needs a new economic program to enjoy an improvement in sovereign rating beyond the level enabled by the success following the 2001 crisis.
Haber Resim
09/01/2011- 2077 ANKARA- TEPAV answered the long-debated question why Turkey's sovereign rating is not upgraded and emphasized that the problem stems from a number of factors including current account deficit, and volatility of growth and of exchange rate. Stressin [More]
Growth, Current Account Deficit, Fiscal Discipline, Global Financial Crisis,
TEPAV: "One Third of the Economic Recovery Completed…" TEPAV stated that Turkey achieved an impressive growth performance whereas the recovery process in unemployment and exports could not be completed yet.
Haber Resim
04/01/2011- 1750 ANKARA- TEPAV examined the performance of Turkey's economy in 2010 relying on the key macroeconomic indicators. Production and consumption indicators for 2010 indicated that the economy has regained the pace before the crisis whereas unemployment [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Growth, Exports, Current Account Deficit, Unemployment,
Positive Trend in Retail Confidence Continues Along with a Seasonal Drop TEPE, which dropped to the negative zone in October for the first time since August 2010, continued to decrease but rose year-on-year by 10.3 points.
Haber Resim
04/01/2011- 1658 ANKARA- TEPE, which dropped to the negative zone in October for the first time since August 2010, continued to decrease. TEPE stood at -8.9 in December 2010. TEPE showed 6.2 points of month-on-month decrease and 10.3 points of year-on-year increase [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Istanbul will connect Europe to China Delivering a speech in the opening ceremony of training program for Egyptian Competition Authority, TEPAV Director Sak underlined that such steps turn into long-lasting dialogue mechanisms and that Istanbul-Islamabad railway project will be initiated with Pakistan.
Haber Resim
03/01/2011- 2323 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Guven Sak stated that a couple of weeks ago they received a proposal from Mr. Zerdari, President of Pakistan, regarding the construction of Istanbul - Islamabad railway and that TEPAV and TOBB will involve in this pr [More]
Competition, Middle East, TRIPP,
Training for Egyptian Competition Authority TEPAV, in cooperation with Turkish Competition Authority, will deliver five-day training for Egyptian Competition Authority officials.
Haber Resim
31/12/2010- 2358 ANKARA - Turkish Competition Authority and TEPAV will deliver training for Egyptian Competition Authority officials on 3-7 January 2011 in Ankara. Trainings to be delivered by the Turkish Competition Authority will involve a wide spectrum of topi [More]
TRIPP, Competition,
Evaluation Note / Sarp Kalkan Short term fund inflows are harmful for banks
Haber Resim
30/12/2010- 2061 The monetary easing followed by the central banks in developed countries, FED to begin with, elevated short term fund flows towards developing countries including Turkey. Since the primary channel of entry for fund flows is the banking sector, [More]
Financial Markets, Stability, Global Financial Crisis, Current Account Deficit,
Government Budget Patched Through the Unemployment Fund The amount of transfers to budget from the Unemployment Fund reached 8.6 billion TL over the 2008-2010 October.
Haber Resim
24/12/2010- 2828 ANKARA- Non-budgetary revenues, privatization revenues and unemployment fund revenues predominant among them, contributed substantially to the recovery in the budget balance.  The amount of transfers to budget only from the Unemployment Fund reac [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Stability Institute, Stability, Budget Performance, Unemployment Insurance Fund,
Prof. Rodrik of Harvard University: ‘Keep an Eye on the Manufacturing Industry and Services Sector for Sustaining Structural Transformation’ Watch video Dani Rodrik, commenting on Turkey's economy underlined that rate at which manufacturing is expanding employment has slowed down and many of the services that are growing are not as productive.
Haber Resim
22/12/2010- 3000 ANKARA - Prof. Dani Rodrik of Harvard University stated that it will be important for rapid, productivity-enhancing structural change to be sustained in order for Turkey to maintain its high rate of economic growth. Rodrik maintained that this m [More]
Economic Transformation, Growth, Merih Celasun Memorial Day, Structural Transformation, Productivity,