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TEPAV: "Social Globalization Triggered the Rebellions in Egypt and Tunisia" TEPAV stated that social globalization triggered the rebellion wave in Maghreb and Egypt by raising awareness about the relative deprivation while the high rate of youth unemployment and hikes in food prices also have created a suitable environment for rebellion.
Haber Resim
09/02/2011- 2957 ANKARA- TEPAV says the rebellions in Tunisia and Egypt are related to the "unhappiness of the Arab streets".  Stating that the high rate of unemployment and the hikes in food prices created a suitable environment for rebellion, TEPAV stated: "Soc [More]
Middle East, Unemployment, Globalization,
TEPAV: "Internet Services Expensive in Turkey" Despite high Internet prices at OECD scale, access to the Internet among households has increased by almost 40% over the last three years.
Haber Resim
04/02/2011- 2464 ANKARA - TEPAV states that according to the OECD Broadband Statistics, in the scale where the lowest and highest megabit/second price is $2.39 and $76.11, respectively, Turkey is one of the countries with the highest internet prices. The note with [More]
The Share of Interest Expenditures Decreased while that of Social Security Increased Fiscal Monitoring Report October November 2010 Budget Implementation Results reveal that the share of public services under other categories did not change considerably.
Haber Resim
02/02/2011- 2156 ANKARA - The share of interest expenditures decreased over years while the shares of public services under other categories did not change considerably.  Social security deficit finance surpassed other social assistance items increasing its share [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Budget Performance,
TEPE Meets 2011 in the Positive Zone TEPE, which has been moving in the negative zone since November 2010, met 2011 in the positive zone.
Haber Resim
02/02/2011- 2009 TEPE stood at 0.8 percent in January 2011. TEPE demonstrated 9.7 points of month-on-month increase and 18.3 points of year-on-year increase. In January 2011 expectations for the next three year improved by 18.8 points compared to the previous mo [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
The State’s Tools for Regional Development in Question The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium by TEPAV hosted debates on the special economic zones, clustering policy, regional development, and the efficiency of these as tools for regional development.
Haber Resim
28/01/2011- 2654 ANKARA - The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium, with the theme "Governance of Industrial Policy," ended on Friday 28 January 2011 with discussions questioning the tools of the state to ensure regional development. The second and [More]
Regional Development, Industrial Policy, Organized Industriel Zones, Clusters, Regional Development Agencies,
The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium Begins During the first day's program of the fifth event of TEPAV's Regional Development and Governance Symposium series, the regional development dimension of the industrial policy and regional and sector-based incentive systems were discussed
Haber Resim
27/01/2011- 2981 ANKARA - The 5th Regional Development and Governance Symposium organized by TEPAV in cooperation with the Middle East Technical University (METU) Unit for Urban and Regional Research started. The symposium, with the theme "Governance of Industria [More]
Regional Development, Industrial Policy, Incentive Schemes, Decentralization,
TEPAV: “Unmissable Opportunity to Solve the Constitutional Problem” Assoc. Prof. Levent Gönenç said: "A well-designed constitution making process, which should be evaluated in the light of Prime Minister Erdoğan's quoted statement, can turn out to be a new and unmissable opportunity for Turkey to solve its constitutional problem."
Haber Resim
25/01/2011- 2385 ANKARA- Assoc. Prof. Levent Gönenç of Ankara University Faculty of Law, taking departure from Prime Minister Erdoğan's recent statement on the constitution making process, assessed that a constitution making process to be designed with the particip [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Elections, Civil Society,
New Approach for Policies to Improve the Product Pattern TEPAV hosted Dany Bahar of Harvard University to perform trainings on 'product space', a new developmental economics approach guiding the identification of countries' product patterns.
Haber Resim
24/01/2011- 2265 Dany Bahar, a Doctoral Fellow at the Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University, visited TEPAV during January 2011 to perform a series of trainings to the staff on applications of recent economic research performed at CID un [More]
Regional Development, Product Diversity, Product Pattern,
World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects Report Discussed at TEPAV The Global Economic Prospects 2011 report by the World Bank was discussed at TEPAV by World Bank officials and economists with a special focus on the prospects for Turkey.
Haber Resim
21/01/2011- 2557 ANKARA - The Global Economic Prospects 2011: Navigating Strong Currents report recently published by the World Bank was discussed at a meeting held at TEPAV on Friday, January 21, 2011. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, TEPAV Economic Stud [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Global Growth, Turkish Economy, Unemployment, Exports, Current Account Deficit,
Evaluation Note/Erhan Türbedar, PhD Turkey-Greece Dialogue Process
Haber Resim
14/01/2011- 2739 Greek Prime Minister George A. Papandreou's speech at the Turkish Ambassadors Conference in Erzurum has triggered a new debate on Turkish-Greek relations once again. Although he gave reciprocal messages of friendship and peace with Prime Minister R [More]
Cyprus, The Balkans, European Union, Turkey-Greece Relations,