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T20 Italian Presidency Policy Briefs are Released In part of T20’s mission, trade policy proposals with contributions from TEPAV’s Sait Akman and Bozkurt Aran were published.
Haber Resim
22/09/2021- 1152     Under the current G20 Italy presidency, policy briefs prepared by experts from academia, think-tanks and policy centers around the world were published by the Secretariat of the Think20 (T20) Italy, to help leaders of G20 countries in poli [More]
The Istanbul stage of the Facilitating Public-Private Dialogue Mechanisms project has been launched Carried out in collaboration with the GIZ, TEPAV, and Istanbul Planning Agency, the project is to determine ways of improving the resilience of Istanbul’s food systems to shocks.
Haber Resim
17/09/2021- 970     Within the scope of the PEP-Promotion of Economic Prospects Program financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project which began in Adana and is taking place in Gaziantep as well, “Facilitati [More]
Public-Private Sector Dialogue,
MODERNISATION OF THE TURKEY-EU CUSTOMS UNION: Building a new partnership on past achievements Policy Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp, Prof. Dr. Sanem Baykal, Leyla Karakaya, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Nas, Bengisu Özenç, Güven Sak
Haber Resim
04/09/2021- 2556     Turkey-European Union (EU) relations may have had a convoluted and complicated trajectory, but it is probably fair to say that the two parties have reached a degree of integration and interconnectivity that would allow neither side to run the [More]
The Reform of the World Trade Organization: Key Priorities for the G20 In light of T20 policy recommendations with the contributions of TEPAV, global trade and WTO reform is set to be discussed during digital roundtable
Haber Resim
03/09/2021- 911     The Instito Affari Internazionali (IAI), set to host the online webinar, is also the T20 Italy National Co-chair and part of the G20 TIRN (Trade and Investment Research Network). The TIRN, of which TEPAV is founding member, is a cross-coun [More]
Decarbonization as Modernization in Turkey-EU Relations Güven Sak
Haber Resim
31/08/2021- 1624     Turkey and EU have lost their vision of a common future with the stalling of the EU-Turkey accession process after 2007. The “positive agenda” items, most recently created around cooperation on Syrian migrants, were too shallow to get us back [More]
“Syrians in the Labor Market: Supply and Demand Side Analysis” Report  
Haber Resim
30/08/2021- 1948   The report entitled “Syrians in the Labor Market: Supply and Demand Side Analysis”, has been prepared by TEPAV within the scope of the Mahir Eller Project financed by the European Union includes data that will allow for the evaluation of the lab [More]
8 Major Priorities for the International Community Confronting the Afghanistan Crisis The World Refugee & Migration Council Releases an Urgent Call for Action
Haber Resim
24/08/2021- 818     Comprising of academics, diplomats, and NGO leaders across the world, the World Refugee & Migration Council was established in 2017 to compliment the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR). As the United Stat [More]
The BRIDGE-BS Project has started: Will the Black Sea Blue Growth Strategy serve as a model for Marmara? The kick off meeting of TEPAV's first EU Horizon 2020 project in the field of blue growth, “BRIDGE-BS: Advancing Black Sea Research and Innovation to Co-Develop Blue Growth within Resilient Ecosystems,” was held online on 12-13 July 2021.
Haber Resim
26/07/2021- 1015       The start of the BRIDGE-BS Project was announced to stakeholders with an online event on 12-13 July 2021. Yakup Peker and Omar Kadkoy from TEPAV participated in the event. Following opening remarks by Middle East Technical University (METU [More]
“Adana is Shaping Its Future: More Qualified Jobs and A More Livable Adana” The second of the three workshop series in cooperation with GIZ, TEPAV, and Adana Metropolitan Municipality was held online on 21-22 June 2021.
Haber Resim
03/07/2021- 908     Within the scope of the PEP-Promotion of Economic Prospects Program financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the second of the three workshop series, carried out in cooperation with the German [More]
Public-Private Sector Dialogue,
“Roadmap for Turkey - European Union Relations” The report, prepared with the initiative of the President of GRF, Ambassador Selim Yenel, with the contribution of Global Relations Forum (GRF) members who have worked in diplomacy, bureaucracy, academia and business for years, has been published.
Haber Resim
27/06/2021- 1181     Turkey-EU relations which despite its ebbs and flows have generally been able to maintain its upward direction for more than half a century, have recently reached a serious impasse and decline. In line with its goals of Westernization and int [More]