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TEPAV Lectured on Public Finance in Uzbekistan Uzbek officials received training on interbudgetary relations by TEPAV Training and Research Institute for Public Policy (TRIPP).
Haber Resim
05/04/2011- 2576 TASHKENT - TEPAV organized a training program on public finance in Uzbekistan in collaboration with Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) and United Nations Development Programe (UNDP). The program with the theme "Interb [More]
TRIPP, Public Administration, Fiscal Policy,
TEPE Positive Despite the Slowdown in Recovery TEPE remained in the positive zone despite the slowdown in recovery and stood at 3.7 in March 2011.
Haber Resim
04/04/2011- 1590   Even though TEPE that had met 2011 with an upward trend slowed down slightly, the index stood at 3.7 in March 2011. TEPE therefore increased by 0.8 points month-on-month and by 9.2 points year-on-year. In March 2011, expectations for the next t [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
TEPAV Assesses Turkey’s Growth Performance: “Turkey is the second most successful of Europe, following Poland” The assessment of growth performance revealed that Turkey had been the 10th economy that witnessed the severest contraction in 2009, and the 5th most rapidly recovering economy in 2010.
Haber Resim
31/03/2011- 2838   ANKARA- TEPAV stated that among the 40 countries that were analyzed, Turkey demonstrated a phenomenal growth performance. Stressing that it is of significance that Turkey, which had been the 10th economy that witnessed the severest contraction i [More]
Growth, Exports, Global Financial Crisis,
TEPAV: "Prime Minister’s Arbil Visit of Significance for Bilateral Economic Relations" TEPAV stated that with the right steps to be taken in the future, large Turkish investors will be able to enter the Iraqi market more easily.
Haber Resim
30/03/2011- 2117 ANKARA- TEPAV, stating that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan's visit to Iraq was of critical importance for the enhancement of bilateral economic relations between the two countries, said: "With the right steps to be taken in the future, the two count [More]
Regional Economic Cooperation, Trade, Investment Climate,
Commentary/Ussal Şahbaz: "De-industrialization: A dangerous trend in Turkish economy?" TEPAV Advisor Ussal Şahbaz stated that Turkey has to produce things to continue its sustainable growth.
Haber Resim
30/03/2011- 4514 The commentary said: "One may argue, if globally connected service sectors such as financial services, high-end retailing or energy are more productive, there is no reason to worry about these sectors replacing manufacturing. I disagree. Turkey is [More]
Industrial Policy, Structural Transformation, Manufacturing, Services,
TEPAV: The Crisis Improved the Adaptation Capacity of Turkey’s Exports In the crisis period, Turkey's ranking decreased from the 8th place to 18th in terms of competitiveness whereas the adaptation to the emerging markets increased from 14th place to 4th.
Haber Resim
29/03/2011- 3429 ANKARA- TEPAV analyzed Turkey's competitiveness and adaptation to emerging markets as two key factors necessitated for a sustainable and strong export performance. Findings about Turkey and other countries in the same income group maintained that a [More]
Competitiveness, Exports, Global Financial Crisis,
“The Competitiveness of the Industrial Sector Decreased by 8 Ranks in 3 Years” Speaking at a symposium organized by the Competition Authority, TEPAV Director Güven Sak said that Turkey, facing a considerable drop in competitiveness, needs an industrial strategy with a special focus on this issue.
Haber Resim
24/03/2011- 2305 ANKARA - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak stressed that the competitiveness of Turkey's industrial sector between 2007 and 2010 decreased from 53rd place to 61st. Sak said, "the industrial sector needs a strategy to be issued by the public sect [More]
Competitiveness, Industrial Policy, Competition,
Possibilities for Cooperation with Japan in the Middle East Discussed TEPAV and ORSAM organized a roundtable meeting with the theme "Turkey - Japan Cooperation for Peacebuilding in the Middle East: With a Special Focus on Afghanistan".
Haber Resim
24/03/2011- 2471 ANKARA - In the meeting organized in collaboration by TEPAV and Middle East Strategic Research Center (ORSAM) on March 23, 2011 Wednesday, possibilities for Turkey-Japan cooperation in the Middle East were discussed with a special emphasis on Afgha [More]
Regional Economic Cooperation, Middle East, Afghanistan,
Positive Developments in the Balkans Discussed at TEPAV In a roundtable meeting organized by TEPAV and GMF, recent developments in the Balkans were addressed in the context of the improving dialogue and progressing efforts for integration.
Haber Resim
22/03/2011- 1857 ANKARA -TEPAV and German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) organized a roundtable meeting with the theme "Recent Developments in Balkans" on Tuesday, March 22. The meeting addressed the recent positive developments in the region including th [More]
European Union, The Balkans, NATO,
Cypriots in Favor of the EU... Both Turkish and Greek Cypriots are willing to protect the EU framework though motivated by the hope to strengthen their hands and demands.
Haber Resim
22/03/2011- 2195 ANKARA - According to the results of a public opinion poll conducted at Cyprus, both Turkish and Greek Cypriots are willing to protect the EU framework though motivated by the hope to strengthen their hands and demands. Evaluation note "European U [More]
Cyprus, Greek Cypriots, European Union, Public Opinion Poll,