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TEPAV Shares Turkey’s Experience with the Arab Union Arab League General Secretariat organized a roundtable meeting in Cairo on June 13 to debate the Turkish model.
Haber Resim
16/06/2011- 2598 CAIRO - TEPAV Economic Policy Analyst Esen Çağlar briefed the Arab League about Turkey's performance in economic reforms, economic transformation and private sector led growth. Arab League General Secretariat organized a roundtable meeting in Cair [More]
Middle East, Private Sector Development, Reform,
TEPAV: “Fairness in Representation Deteriorates” TEPAV published a policy note titled "The Impact of the Election Threshold on the Parliamentary Structure in June 12, 2011 Elections".
Haber Resim
14/06/2011- 1999 ANKARA- TEPAV stressed that even though the 2011 election appears to be fairer on the basis of the compared to the 2002 and 2007 elections, the cumulative impact of the election threshold as high as 10% turned small parties into signboard parties f [More]
Elections, Election Threshold, Election System,
Turkish Business People Briefed on the Investment Climate in CIS Countries Turkish business people were briefed on the investment climate in Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan during a panel meeting held in the context of a training program on "How to Improve the Investment Climate in CIS Countries"
Haber Resim
10/06/2011- 2854 ANKARA - With a panel meeting organized at TEPAV, the investment climate in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, was introduced by country experts to Turkish business people inte [More]
TRIPP, Investment Climate, CIS, Islamic Development Bank,
Students from the American University Visited TEPAV TEPAV hosted law students of the American University.
Haber Resim
04/06/2011- 1511 ANKARA - Students of American University Faculty of Law on a trip in Ankara to carry out some contacts in the context of the Exchange Program with Yeditepe University paid a visit to TEPAV on Friday, June 3, 2011. With a meeting held at TEPAV, [More]
Turkish Economy,
Positive Expectations for the Period Ahead Revive TEPE Led by positive expectations, TEPE increased in May after the downwards movement for three months.
Haber Resim
02/06/2011- 1958 ANKARA - TEPE that had been decreasing since February 2011 moved upwards and reached 3.2 in May 2011. The index therefore showed an 1.1 points of month-on-month and 10.9 points of year-on-year increase. In May 2011, the equilibrium value of the ex [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Panel Meeting with American and Turkish Leaders of the Future… Participants of  the Young Turkey/Young America Program were briefed on Turkey's economy, foreign policy and the upcoming elections during a panel meeting held at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
30/05/2011- 2612   ANKARA - A panel meeting was held at TEPAV on Monday, May 30, 2011 as part of the Turkey events of the Young Turkey/Young America Program, which aims to establish ties between American and Turkish leaders of the future. Participants of this yea [More]
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series - 6/ Lessons from Europe for Judicial Independence … Italian Political Scientist Prof. Carlo Guarnieri shares some lessons from Europe on judicial independence at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
27/05/2011- 2756   ANKARA - The sixth meeting of the TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series was held on Friday, May 27, 2011 with the participation of Political Scientist Prof. Carlo Guarnieri of University of Bologna.  Guarnieri assessed the structure of judic [More]
Constitution, Supreme Courts, Judicial Independence,
Recent Developments in Syria Discussed at TEPAV Peter Harling of International Crisis Group addressed the recent developments in Syria in a meeting atTEPAV.
Haber Resim
26/05/2011- 1958 ANKARA - On Thursday, May 26, 2011 TEPAV organized a roundtable meeting to address the recent developments in Syria. The meeting hosted Peter Harling, Syria Specialist of International Crisis Group as the keynote speaker.The roundtable meeting on " [More]
Policy Note/Sarp Kalkan Budget Performance Paves the Way for the Current Account Deficit
Haber Resim
23/05/2011- 2221   "Current account deficit of Turkey at 61 billion TL is approximate to the sum of the budget deficit (or public S-I gap) at 43.6 billion TL and private savings gap at 13 billion TL. This indicates that the driving factor for high current account [More]
Current Account Deficit, Budget, Private Sector, Public Sector,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series –5/Arato: “If you do not get the AKP and the CHP to agree, the consensus will not be sufficient.” Audio file Speaking at TEPAV, American Political Scientist Arato stated that the minimum precondition for consensus in Turkey was the agreement of the AKP and the CHP, the absence of which will bring a deadlock.
Haber Resim
17/05/2011- 2865 ANKARA - American Political Scientist Prof. Andrew Arato maintained that constitutional consensus in Turkey cannot be defined as a certain number and said: "That number will be sufficient consensus when it includes a sufficient part of the Turkish [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Election Threshold,