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Commentary/Erhan Türbedar: "Skopje 2014: The Awakening of the Macedonian Identity" TEPAV Policy Analyst wrote about the Skopje 2014 Project in Macedonia and the public's perception.
Haber Resim
22/08/2011- 2726 The commentary assessed: "The Macedonian government continues its efforts to give the center of capital city Skopje a new face, through the Skopje 2014 Project. By means of the project, the government is trying to give central Skopje an ancient [More]
The Balkans,
Evaluation Note / Burcu Gültekin Punsmann, PhD Turkey-Israel: Towards a Decoupling between Economics and Politics
Haber Resim
19/08/2011- 2867 "The private entrepreneur has emerged as a third actor beside the military and the diplomat in Turkish-Israeli ties. Business has become an area immune from political upheavals and carries its own dynamics. Economic cooperation developed throughout [More]
Middle East, Regional Economic Cooperation, Turkey-Israel Relations,
TEPAV: “Primary Budget Expenditures Did Not Fall Back Down to the Pre-crisis Level” The assessment stressed that a significant proportion of the current account deficit resulted from the savings gap of the public sector, confirming the need for a change in public expenditure policy.
Haber Resim
18/08/2011- 2196   ANKARA – TEPAV stated that primary budget expenditures which grew along with the crisis did not fall back to the pre-crisis levels yet. Fiscal Monitoring Report April-May 2011 Budget Implementation Results by TEPAV Stability Institute was publi [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Fiscal Policy, Medium Term Program, Current Account Deficit,
TEPAV: “With a Fiscal Rule, Fiscal Policy of 2011 Could Have Been Looser” TEPAV conducted a study titled "What Would Budget Deficit Be With a Fiscal Rule?"
Haber Resim
05/08/2011- 2221 ANKARA - TEPAV stated that a fiscal rule would have required a tighter fiscal policy in 2010 and a looser fiscal policy in 2011 in line with the targets of the 2011 Medium Term Program (MTP). TEPAV published a study titled: "What Would Budget Defi [More]
Fiscal Monitoring , Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Rule, Budget Performance,
Commentary/Erhan Türbedar: "Shadow of the Balkans in the Terrorist Attacks in Norway" TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar stated that among the factors which pushed Anders Behring Breivik to the act of terrorism that painted Norway in blood were also the events in the Balkans about which he obviously knew very little.
Haber Resim
05/08/2011- 1075 Türbedar assessed: "Anders Behring Breivik who painted Norway in blood with twin attacks has some remarkable views about the Balkans in his "manifesto of terror" posted on the Internet. Breivik says that he has taken his action upon the NATO bo [More]
TEPE in Decline, Expectations Deteriorate TEPE, which had been increasing since May 2011, declined in July 2011 and had a value of 0.5.
Haber Resim
02/08/2011- 1982 Despite the upwards movement in May and June, TEPE which tended downwards since the beginning of 2011 maintained this trend in July. One of the chief reasons for TEPE decline was the deterioration of expectations for business activities in the next [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
TEPAV Monitors International Financial Developments TEPAV Finance Institute will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor of economics and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey.
Haber Resim
24/07/2011- 1732 ANKARA - TEPAV will monitor international developments in finance and provide key information to the Turkish financial industry on the global developments. The Finance Institute established with this aim will be directed by Fatih Özatay, professor [More]
Global Economy, Finance Sector, Finance Institute,
Commentary / Erhan Türbedar: "Trilateral Balkan Summit Held in Croatia" TEPAV Foreign Policy Analyst Erhan Türbedar (PhD) wrote on the trilateral summit that the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina met on July 18, 2011.
Haber Resim
21/07/2011- 1692 He assessed: "Aware of the fact that the developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina can have effects spreading to the entire region, Turkey has taken some steps in the last two years to make for rapprochement between Sarajevo and its neighbors and rend [More]
The Balkans,
Turkish and Armenian Civil Society Organizations at TEPAV The workshop organized in the context of the "Turkey-Armenia Research Project" hosted  civil society organizations from the two countries for confidence-building and rapprochement.
Haber Resim
20/07/2011- 3027 ANKARA - TEPAV organized a workshop titled 'Turkish-Armenian Confidence-Building and Reconciliation: Best Practices, Lessons Learned and How to Move Forward?' on 18 July with Turkish and Armenian civil society organizations active in the field of c [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations, Civil Society Dialogue,
An Emphasis on Entrepreneurship in Turkish-American Relations … Possibilities for cooperation between Turkey and the US in many areas including entrepreneurship were addressed during a meeting attended by Robert Hormats, Undersecretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, U.S. State Department.
Haber Resim
18/07/2011- 1934   ISTANBUL - The Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) hosted Robert Hormats, US Undersecretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, U.S. State Department, on Friday, July 15, 2011. Hormats was in the delegation accompanying US State M [More]
Turkish - American Relations, Entrepreneurship , Trade, Middle East,