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TEPAV’s Agenda: “Arab Democratic Wave” One Year After… Assessing the grassroots movements in the North African and Arab countries, Alvaro de Vasconcelos, Director of European Union Institute for Security Studies, associates the democracy in the Middle East with Turkey’s EU membership.
Haber Resim
30/01/2012- 2148   ANKARA – With a meeting held at TEPAV, successive grassroots movements in North African and Arab countries which started one year ago were addressed. The meeting hosted as a keynote speaker Alvaro de Vasconcelos, Director of European Union Insti [More]
Arab Spring, Democracy, Middle East, European Union, North Africa,
TEPAV Constitution Experts Seminar Series - 7. Prof. Gylfason: "High-Inflation Countries Need Detailed Constitutions." Professor Thorvaldur Gylfason, member of the Icelandic Constitutional Assembly, stated that the new constitution-making process in Iceland had been initiated with the “pots-and-pans revolution” after the economic crash of 2008.
Haber Resim
24/01/2012- 2125   ANKARA – On Tuesday, January 24, 2012, a meeting titled “Making a New Constitution: The Case of Iceland” was held at TEPAV in the context of the Constitution Experts Seminar Series. The seventh meeting of the series hosted Thorvaldur Gylfason, P [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Public Participation, Global Financial Crisis,
Professor Glaeser of Harvard University Assesses Turkey‘s Urbanization… Stating that Turkey has been a model in terms of economic transformation, Professor Ed Glaeser of Harvard University recommended paying attention to cars.
Haber Resim
24/01/2012- 2567   ANKARA – Professor Ed Glaeser from Harvard University held a presentation on urban economics at TEPAV’s Turkey Urbanization Review workshop. Shedding light upon urban transformation in the US, he also commented on Turkey’s urban transformation. [More]
Urbanization, Local Governance, Transport, Economic Transformation,
Commentary/Esen Çağlar The five differences between the ministries of education in Turkey and the UK
Haber Resim
23/01/2012- 1538   "I actually wanted to continue writing on the issue of sidewalks as we are buried in snow. The municipal mentality that plows the snow on the roads does not care much about the sidewalks where pedestrians walk. But I will cover this in a late [More]
Education , Internet, Public Institutions,
“Reconciliation Field Guide” for Turkish-Armenian Partnership Prepared by TEPAV… The study which compiled the results of the project building confidence and reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia was launched at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
11/01/2012- 2282 ANKARA – The outputs of the project titled “A Confidence-Building and Reconciliation Field Guide for More Sustainable and Efficient Turkish-Armenian Cross-Border Partnerships” coordinated by TEPAV with the support of the German Marshall Fund (GM [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations, Civil Society,
Commentary/Esen Çağlar Are women in our cities not working because of insufficient subway systems?
Haber Resim
09/01/2012- 1853   "There is a debate we have missed out on due to the tumultuous agenda of the week: The Mayor of the Istanbul, Kadir Topbaş, said that the dolmuş (a shared transportation system where the rate is paid by the distance traveled) will gradually be [More]
Female Labor Force Participation, Urbanization, Transport, Growth, Life Quality,
Retailers Optimistic About 2012 TEPE reached its highest in December 2011.
Haber Resim
03/01/2012- 1982 In December 2011, TEPE reached its highest since May 2008. Expectations for the orders placed with suppliers and for sales volume in the next three months increased whereas business volume decreased compared to the previous three months. TEPE whic [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Evaluation Note/Leyla Karakaya Turkey Played its Hand Well in the Energy Game
Haber Resim
30/12/2011- 1812 "The agreements signed between Turkey and Russia following negotiations held on December 27-28 brought about two significant outcomes. First was Turkey’s nod to the construction of the South Stream Pipeline through its territorial waters. Given t [More]
Energy, Turkey-Russia Relations,
Evaluation Note/Hüseyin Raşit Yılmaz Will a “Turkic Spring” Follow the “Arab Spring?”
Haber Resim
30/12/2011- 1676 "The transformation process that started with the rebellion of people throughout the Middle East is expanding. The failure of dictators to provide sufficient natural resources for the people and the conflict between the popular will and the will of [More]
Arab Spring,
Women’s Employment Increases in the West, Decreases in the East Women’s employment is highest in Denizli, İzmir, İstanbul, Edirne, and Kırklareli and lowest in Şırnak, Ağrı, Bitlis, Van and Siirt.  Employment among women continues to decline in  eastern Turkey.
Haber Resim
29/12/2011- 3074 ANKARA – The ratio of women’s employment, which averages 23.7 percent in Turkey, falls as low as 6.8 percent in the eastern provinces of the country. The ratio of women’s employment is highest in Denizli, İzmir, İstanbul, Edirne, and Kırklareli and [More]
Employment, Informality, Women's Employment,