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What if Mark Zuckerberg joined the army in Turkey? Esen Çağlar / Commentary
Haber Resim
22/02/2012- 1114 "If Mark Zuckerberg had not been born in New York but in Istanbul, he would now probably be brooding over when and how to fulfill his mandatory military service. In a previous commentary [1], I tried to portray how the Turkish entrepreneurship e [More]
Diyarbakir Speaks for the New Constitution The fourth stop of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly was Diyarbakır.
Haber Resim
19/02/2012- 2225 ANKARA – The fourth meeting of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly series was held in Diyarbakır on Sunday, February 19, 2012. The fourth of the Citizens’ Assembly  which was started with the slogan “Turkey Speaks” by thirteen professiona [More]
Constitution, Constitution Platform, Constitution Making, Public Participation, Civil Society,
“The Constitution Platform - Citizens’ Meeting”, February 19, Diyarbakır The first meeting of the Constitution Platform – Turkey Speaks Citizens’ Assembly series was held in Ankara, followed by the second meeting in Konya and the third in Edirne.
Haber Resim
16/02/2012- 2596 ANKARA - The fourth meeting of the “Turkey Speaks: Citizens’ Assembly” series will be held in Diyarbakır on Sunday, February 19, 2012. The series is presented by the Constitution Platform initiative group, made up of thirteen professional organizat [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Constitution Platform, Public Participation, Civil Society,
TEPAV Analyst Özcan Delivers a Presentation to the TGNA: “Who are the Armed People on the Mountains?” Invited to a meeting hosted by the Human Rights Inquiry Committee of the TGNA, Özcan presented the results of his research on 1,362 PKK militants who lost their lives between 2001 and 2011.
Haber Resim
13/02/2012- 2062   ANKARA- TEPAV Analyst Nihat Ali Özcan, PhD., was invited to a meeting hosted by the Human Rights Inquiry Committee Sub-comission for Terrorism and Violence of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA). During the meeting, Özcan delivered a pres [More]
Terrorism, Security, Child Soldiers,
European Commissioner Georgieva: “We owe the current mechanism to lessons we learned during the Marmara Earthquake of 1999” European Commissioner Georgieva visited TEPAV before her visit to Van and explained how the Marmara earthquake of 1999 helped them shape the current assistance mechanism.
Haber Resim
09/02/2012- 2070   ANKARA – Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, delivered remarks at a meeting held on Thursday February 9, 2012 at TEPAV with the theme, “Humanitarian crisis response: Th [More]
European Union, Crises, Earthquake, Humanitarian Aid,
Why the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world don’t live in Turkey Commentary/Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
06/02/2012- 1057 "Facebook is about to go public. The company’s value is estimated at $100 billion and the personal wealth of its 27 year-old founder, Mark Zuckerberg, at $27 billion. Facebook is ten times as valuable as Turkey’s biggest company, Tüpraş, and Z [More]
Oil and Gas Exploration Operations in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Blessing or a Curse? M. Ergün Olgun, Former Undersecretary of the Presidency of the TRNC cited the case of Sudan to call on the two sides of Cyprus for cooperation on hydrocarbon operations.
Haber Resim
03/02/2012- 2225   ANKARA – TEPAV and the Middle East Technical University (METU) Center for European Studies jointly organized a meeting on the ongoing oil and gas exploration operations in the Eastern Mediterranean. The meeting, held on Friday, 3 February 2012, [More]
Cyprus, Energy,
Retailers Lose Hope by the End of January 2012 The TEPE fell sharply in January 2012 to -1.7.
Haber Resim
02/02/2012- 1475   ANKARA - In January 2012, the TEPE decreased by 9.2 points year-on-year. Non-adjusted serieses of TEPE hit the lowest value since December 2010. Expectations for orders placed with suppliers and for sales volume in the next three months have det [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
23,359 People Benefit from Unemployment Insurance Only one out of 100 unemployed receives benefits.
Haber Resim
01/02/2012- 2420   ANKARA- In October 2011, the number of unemployed people who received unemployment insurance benefits from the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) was 23,359, whereas the total number of unemployed was 2,454,000. Therefore, only one percent of the [More]
Employment, Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment,
New Policy Brief Series by TEPAV and IPLI - First Edition Authored by Günter Verheugen The new monthly publication titled “Turkey Policy Brief Series”, launched by TEPAV and IPLI, will cover policy notes and briefs by highly recognized Turkish and international policy experts, analysts and practitioners.
Haber Resim
31/01/2012- 3085 ANKARA/PARIS - TEPAV and International Policy and Leadership Institute (IPLI) have launched “Turkey Policy Brief Series” that will offer analytical coverage of Turkey’s domestic and international affairs. The Turkey Policy Brief Series, edited by Ş [More]
Turkish Politics, Turkish Foreign Policy, Region,