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The annual cost of keeping women at home is $574 billion Commentary / Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
02/04/2012- 1618   "Those of you who watched TV in the 90s might have come across a show called Sliders. It’s about a group of people who travel across parallel universes, each with its own alternate version of reality. They come across worlds in which the Germ [More]
Women's Employment, South Korea, GDP,
Bursa was the Ninth Stop of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly Series The meeting recorded the highest level of participation by women.
Haber Resim
01/04/2012- 2128 BURSA – The ninth meeting of the Constitution Platform, carried out under the secretariat of TEPAV under the slogan “Turkey Speaks,” was held in Bursa on Sunday, 1 April 2012. Although it coincided with the first-level university examination, the m [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Constitution Platform, Public Participation,
The World Economy after the Crisis: Risks and Possible Solutions During a meeting held at TEPAV, recent developments in the world economy and their impacts on Turkey were discussed in their many aspects.
Haber Resim
30/03/2012- 2120   ANKARA – On Friday, 30 March 2012, a meeting was held at TEPAV to discuss the challenges and risks the world economy has faced in the post-crisis era particularly after August 2011 and their impacts on the Turkish economy. The speakers drew atte [More]
Economic Development, Global Economy, Global Financial Crisis, Current Account Deficit, Trade, Innovation, Women's Employment,
The Mersin-Urfa Line Comes to the Fore in Employment Gains Excluding the three largest cities, the highest increase in employment was observed along the Mersin, Adana, Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa line.
Haber Resim
30/03/2012- 2008   ANKARA – TEPAV stated that, excluding Istanbul, the highest increase in employment during 2011 was observed along the Mersin-Şanlıurfa line, according to the regional employment analysis for employment gains. The fifth issue of the TEPAV Employ [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics,
Citizens’ Assembly to be Held in Bursa this Sunday… The ninth meeting of the series will be held in Bursa on Sunday, April 1, 2012.
Haber Resim
28/03/2012- 1804 ANKARA – The next stop of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly series launched with the slogan “Turkey Speaks” will be Bursa. The ninth meeting of the series carried out with the participation of citizens will be held on Sunday, April 1, 20 [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Constitution Platform, Public Participation,
The Youth Convenes in Samsun to Discuss the New Constitution The last meeting of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly was held in Samsun with the contributions of young citizens from all over Turkey.
Haber Resim
24/03/2012- 1845 SAMSUN – Young citizens from all over Turkey convened in Samsun to discuss the new constitution. The eighth meeting of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly series, which was started by thirteen syndicates, professional organizations and no [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Constitution Platform, Public Participation,
The European Union has to be Turkey’s Growth Story Commentary / Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
19/03/2012- 1791 "Ever more of us nowadays think that the crisis in Europe has shaken the foundations of Turkey’s European Union (EU) project. Looking at the acceleration of the trade figures between Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa, some get caught up [More]
European Union, Growth, Education , Justice,
Today and the Future of Licensed Warehousing During a meeting organized in the context of the project carried out by TEPAV in collaboration with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the parties exchanged views on extending licensed warehousing.
Haber Resim
19/03/2012- 1974   ANKARA – TEPAV and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched a joint project on the licensed warehousing and warehouse receipts system, which despite a decade-long history in Turkey has not become prevalent. In this co [More]
Agriculture, Chambers, Commodity Market, Public Policy,
The Constitution Platform to Meet the Youth in Samsun on March 25th… The eight meeting of the series will be held in Samsun on Sunday, with the participation of the youth.
Haber Resim
19/03/2012- 1980 ANKARA – The eighth meeting of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Aseembly series will be held in Samsun on Sunday, March 25, 2012 with the participation of young citizens from all over Turkey. The series is presented with the secretariat of TE [More]
Constitution, Constitution Making, Constitution Platform, Public Participation,
Turns out we have shale gas after all Evaluation Note/ Leyla Karakaya
Haber Resim
16/03/2012- 2461 "Amidst increasing concerns over Turkey’s vast current account deficit (CAD), fuelled by foreign dependence to cater for the energy requirements of a rapidly developing economy and further exacerbated by soaring global oil prices, a news story sign [More]