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The 2011 Annual Report of TEPAV’s Training and Research Institute for Public Policy Released TRIPP was established in 2009 to design and offer short-term training programs for the countries of the region.
Haber Resim
05/06/2012- 1809 ANKARA – The Training and Research Institute for Public Policy (TRIPP) under the auspices of TEPAV released its Annual Report for 2011. The Institute was established in September 2009 to carry out research and trainings for public policy. The TRIP [More]
Stuck Between Pot and Prostitutes: US Foreign Policy in Latin America Evaluation Note/Evren Çelik Wiltse, PhD.
Haber Resim
05/06/2012- 1770 "In April of 2012, the heads of 33 countries in the Western hemisphere got together for the Sixth Summit of the Organization of American States (OAS). Previously, this platform was an opportunity for the US to flex its muscles in its so-called back [More]
United States, Latin America, Drugs, U.S. Foreign Policy,
Expectations on Sales and Employment Deteriorate in the Retail Sector The gap between Turkey and the EU widened at the highest rate since the beginning of 2012.
Haber Resim
04/06/2012- 1563   ANKARA - TEPE which has been standing in the negatives since January had a value of -2.6 in May. The Index did not make it to the positives despite the upwards trend. TEPE, therefore increased month-on-month by 1.7 points but decreased year-on-y [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Turkey’s Best of the Best Entrepreneurs Announced The project that generates usable water out of waste water and short-term rental marketplace won the first prizes.
Haber Resim
31/05/2012- 2924 ANKARA – The Business Plan Competition organized by Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) – Turkey finalized. Awards were announced with a ceremony that hosted Vice Prime Minister Ali Babacan. Thirty-three entrepreneurs joined the Business Plan Co [More]
GEP-TR, Entrepreneurship , Venture capital,
Choices and Challenges for Turkey as a Regional Power Discussed
Haber Resim
30/05/2012- 2102 Recent developments about foreign policy were discussed during the panel meeting presented by Tufts University and TEPAV. ANKARA – TEPAV and Tufts University organized a panel meeting titled “The Emergence of Turkey as a Regional Power: Choices and [More]
Arab Spring, Turkish Foreign Policy, Middle East,
American Entrepreneurs to Meet Turkish Peers In the context of GEP carried out by TOBB and the U.S. Department of State, a delegation of American entrepreneurs and the participants of the business Plan Competition will be showcased with a press meeting.
Haber Resim
28/05/2012- 1840 ANKARA- The Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) – Turkey is to select the best among top entrepreneurs of Turkey. A delegation of American entrepreneurs and investors, who were brought to Turkey by the Global Entrepreneurship Program of the U.S. [More]
Entrepreneurship , Turkish - American Relations, GEP-TR,
Turkey’s Best of the Best Entrepreneurs to be Selected Participants of the Business Plan Competition will be introduced with a meeting to that will host TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu among others.
Haber Resim
27/05/2012- 5338 ANKARA - The Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) – Turkey is to select the best among top entrepreneurs of Turkey. Thirty-three entrepreneurs will join the Business Plan Competition organized by GEP-Turkey and sponsored by Garanti Bank, Microsof [More]
Entrepreneurship , Venture capital, Turkish - American Relations, GEP-TR,
Lessons for Iraq from Turkey’s Transformation Experience… TEPAV Analyst Ozan Acar delivered a presentation at the workshop held in the context of the Private Sector Development Programme for Iraq carried out by the UNDP.
Haber Resim
23/05/2012- 1854 ISTANBUL – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development organized a workshop on private sector development in Iraq, in Istanbul on 21-23 May 2012. At the workshop that was attende [More]
Iraq, Middle East, Regional Economic Cooperation, Turkish Economy,
TEPAV: "Current account deficit could have been lowered by $14 billion” TEPAV states that the fight with current account deficit requires the tightening of fiscal policy as well as of monetary policy.
Haber Resim
15/05/2012- 1770   ANKARA- TEPAV stressed that public savings in 2011 could have been 38 billion TL higher and said, “if public savings in 2011 are increased by 38 billion TL, current account deficit can be lowered by $14 billion, corresponding to a deficit of 8.2 [More]
Current Account Deficit, Budget, Fiscal Policy, Global Financial Crisis, Savings,
The Possibility of “Transformational Partnership” Between Turkey and the EU: Will “Opportunity” Become Reality? Policy Note/Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
15/05/2012- 1720 "Although both Turkey and the European Union have accepted the need to respond to the turbulent transformation process in the Arab world – albeit with a certain amount of delay – they have not yet approached the region jointly, an alternative offer [More]
European Union, EU - Turkey Relations,