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What makes the Russia–Ukraine war significant? Evaluation Note / Güven Sak
Haber Resim
11/07/2022- 1170     “So foul a sky clears not without a storm,” writes Shakespeare in the second act of King John. I believe Russia’s invasion is just the sort of storm that clears the sky. This storm is caused by Russia’s failure to diversify its economy aw [More]
Russia–Ukraine war,
"Russia's Attack on Ukraine and the Crimean Question" TEPAV welcomed the national leader of the Crimean Tatar Turks and the member of the Ukrainian Parliament Mustafa Abdülcemil Kırımoğlu
Haber Resim
09/07/2022- 754       TEPAV - Tuesday, July 5, 2022: The national leader of the Crimean Tatar Turks and the member of the Ukrainian Parliament Mustafa Abdülcemil Kırımoğlu expressed his views on "Russia's Attack on Ukraine and the Crimean Question". The moderat [More]
Russia–Ukraine war,
“The Future of Europe/EU and Turkey-EU Relations: Institutions, Policies and Strategies” The meeting was held in TEPAV on June 8th, 2022 in cooperation with the İstanbul Policy Center.
Haber Resim
09/06/2022- 878     ANKARA - TEPAV in cooperation with the İstanbul Policy Center (IPC) hosted Andreas Nick, 2022 Mercator-IPC Senior Fellow at IPC and Senem Aydın Düzgit, Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator at IPC on June 8th, 2022. The event was attended [More]
EU - Turkey Relations,
İstanbul is discussing its food system: Today’s problems tomorrow’s solutions The second workshop, organized in cooperation with GIZ, TEPAV, and Istanbul Planning Agency, was held in Istanbul on Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Haber Resim
31/05/2022- 1053     İSTANBUL – Within the scope of the PEP - Promotion of Economic Prospects Programme financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the workshop titled “İstanbul Is Discussing Its Food System: Today’s Pr [More]
Public-Private Sector Dialogue,
Gaziantep shapes its Future: Gaziantep pushing its boundaries The second of the three workshops was held virtually on April 14-15 in cooperation with GIZ, TEPAV, and the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality
Haber Resim
27/04/2022- 1248     Within the scope of the PEP - Promotion of Economic Prospects Programme financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the second of the three workshops with the title “Gaziantep Shapes its Future: Gaz [More]
Public-Private Sector Dialogue,
“Russia’s War Against Ukraine – The Ukrainian Perspective” TEPAV welcomed the Ambassador of Ukraine to Ankara, Mr. Vasyl Bodnar.
Haber Resim
12/04/2022- 1099     ANKARA - TEPAV hosted the Ambassador of Ukraine to Ankara, Mr. Vasyl Bodnar for a discussion on “Russia’s War against Ukraine – The Ukrainian Perspective” on Thursday, On April 7th, 2022. On this occasion the Ambassador presented his views re [More]
Ukraine, Russia’s War against Ukraine, Russia–Ukraine war,
What happened to the Turkish Lira Evaluation Note / Güven Sak
Haber Resim
22/03/2022- 1854     In 2001 Turkey was hit by one of its most significant economic crises. As a founding external member of the newly established Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Turkey (CBRT) I had a chance to witness the adoption of the stab [More]
“Winds of Change: Where Are Turkey-Israel Relations Heading?” With Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the transfer of Eastern Mediterranean gas to Europe via Turkey is now on the agenda again.
Haber Resim
18/03/2022- 1232     The event titled “Winds of Change: Where Are Turkey-Israel Relations Heading?” was carried-out online under the leadership of the Israel-based Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), on Wednesday March 9, 2022. In the first panel of [More]
Turkey-Germany-EU Relations in an Era of Geopolitical Turmoil Policy Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp, Senem Aydın Düzgit, Atila Eralp, Fuat Keyman, Çiğdem Nas
Haber Resim
17/03/2022- 1585     The advent of the Social Democratic Party (SPD)-Green Party-Free Democratic Party (FDP) coalition government in Germany formed in December 2021 has, among other issue areas, ushered in discussions on the implications for European foreign p [More]
“Roundtable on The Future of Turkey-EU Business Relations” TEPAV welcomed the President of Eurochambres, Mr. Luc Frieden.
Haber Resim
14/03/2022- 492     ANKARA - To discuss the future of Turkey-EU Business Relations and challenges in the light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, green transformation and the current Russia-Ukraine War, a meeting organized on March 10, 2022, between 9:30-10:30 at TEPAV. [More]