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Legal Framework for Relations between Turkish and Armenian Societies The study was underpinned by the interactions between the people of the two societies despite the absence of diplomatic relations and the need arising thereby.
Haber Resim
16/11/2012- 2936   ANKARA/YEREVAN - TEPAV and Yerevan-based International Center for Human Development (ICHD) released a report titled “Review of Legal Issues between Armenia and Turkey.” The research primarily aims at relocating Turkish-Armenian interactions with [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations,
Entrepreneurship Policies Discussed at TEPAV The conference was inaugurated by TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu and US Ambassador Ricciardone.
Haber Resim
13/11/2012- 1602   ANKARA – TEPAV carried out an Entrepreneurship Policy Conference on Tuesday, 13 November 2012, with the participation of representatives from private and public sectors as well as the academia and civil society. The conference organized in the [More]
Entrepreneurship , GEP-TR,
Thirty Percent of Unemployment Insurance Beneficiaries Live in Istanbul The number of unemployment insurance recipients reached 28,000 by June 2012.
Haber Resim
10/11/2012- 1662   ANKARA – The number of people eligible receiving unemployment insurance from İŞKUR increased to 28,000 as of June 2012. Thirty percent of eligible beneficiaries live in Istanbul. The eleventh issue of the TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin re [More]
Employment Statistics, Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment,
So Ali Ağaoğlu is Turkey’s Zuckerberg, eh? Commentary / Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
05/11/2012- 1612   "A couple of months ago I asked why none of the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world lived in Turkey, but I have lately realized that Turkey does have a class of young dollar-billionaire entrepreneurs. So I would like to say a couple of things about A [More]
Urbanization, Entrepreneurship ,
Expectations in the Retail Sector in the Rise After 5 Months In October, TEPE remained in the negatives, with a value of -2.9.
Haber Resim
02/11/2012- 1982   ANKARA - In October 2012, TEPE increased slightly month-on-month but showed a year-on-year decrease. Business volume compared to the same period last year and the past three months diminished both month-on-month and year-on-year. Expectations on [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
What does the FATF Ask Turkey to Do? Evaluation Note / N. Emrah Aydınonat
Haber Resim
31/10/2012- 2097 "The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) decided to suspend Turkey’s membership on 22 February 2013 unless Turkey complies with FATF standards for combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Also, Turkey might possibly face international san [More]
Terrorism, Money Laundering,
Looking Beyond the 2012 Progress Report for Turkey Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
30/10/2012- 2555 "One does not need to have very strong analytical skills to claim that the relations between Turkey and the European Union (EU) are at  an impasse and there does not seem to be a way out in short term. However it is almost impossible to have a stro [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, Global Financial Crisis, Progress Report, Enlargement Strategy,
EU Enlargement Discussed at Prague TEPAV Director Sak stated that enhancing Turkey’s integration with the EU was critical for triggering a structural transformation of the economy.
Haber Resim
22/10/2012- 1942   PRAGUE – In a meeting held in the context of the Prague Enlargement Dialogue organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, TEPAV Director Güven Sak spoke about the benefits of the EU accession process for Turkey and ways to [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, Enlargement Strategy, Economic Transformation,
Myths and Realities about Women Entrepreneurship: Many CEOs, Few Employers, Small Labor Force Meeting held as part of the GEP - Turkey hosted Minister Fatma Şahin and US Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone.
Haber Resim
22/10/2012- 1869 ANKARA – Speaking at the meeting on the topic “Women Entrepreneurship: Myths and Realities,” held on Monday, 22 October 2012, Nilgün Arısan Eralp, TEPAV Director of the European Union, related the title of the meeting to the rates of women senior m [More]
GEP-TR, Women's Employment, Entrepreneurship ,
Presidential Debate: Obama Snaps Back Hard Washington Agenda / Roger Simon, Chief Political Columnist at the POLITICO
Haber Resim
19/10/2012- 1454   "As well as Barack Obama did in his second presidential debate — and he did very well, indeed - - you still have to ask yourself one question: Why didn’t he do it in his first debate? If, 12 days ago at the University of Denver, Obama had deliv [More]
Elections, USA,