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The Number of Insured Artisans Continues to Rise In July 2012 the number of insured artisans reached 1,938,000.
Haber Resim
15/12/2012- 1561   ANKARA – TEPAV states that with the ongoing recovery in the statistics, the number of insured artisans as of July reached 1,938,000. The twelfth issue of the TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin reports that the number of insured artisans (non- [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics, Informality, SMEs,
TEPAV Director Sak: “Turkey Has Neglected Rural Development” The 7th Regional Development and Governance Symposium began with around 200 specialists and otherwise concerned attendees
Haber Resim
13/12/2012- 2066 ANKARA – The 7th Regional Development and Governance Symposium TEPAV organized in cooperation with the Ankara University Center for Development Studies Research and Application (AKÇAM) on the Rural Development started on Thursday, 12 December 2012 [More]
Regional Development, Governance, Rural Development,
The View of the Kurdish Issue from Diyarbakir in the Latest ICG Report The report, which gives an overview of the issue and offer solutions accordingly, was discussed at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
07/12/2012- 1987 ANKARA – International Crisis Group’s (ICG) latest report, titled “Turkey’s Kurdish Impasse: The View from Diyarbakir,” was discussed during a meeting at TEPAV on Friday, 7 December 2012. Didem Akyel Collinsworth, ICG Turkey and Cyprus Analyst, sha [More]
Decentralization, The Kurdish Issue, Domestic Policy , Ethnicity,
Retail Confidence Rises in the EU While the Decline in Turkey Continues In November TEPE had a value of -3.5 while the EU retail confidence index stood at -9.2
Haber Resim
04/12/2012- 1884 ANKARA - In November 2012, TEPE decreased both year-on-year and month-on-month. Business volume compared to the same period last year declined year-on-year and month-on-month while business volume compared to the previous three months recovered on [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Turkey's national research on the economic crisis impact on industrial relations national system is completed. TEPAV finalized the revision of the draft report, including the contributions of national debate participants.
Haber Resim
30/11/2012- 1850 ANKARA – As part of the project titled “The Economic Crisis Impact on Industrial Relations National Systems: Policy Responses as Key Recovery Tools”, TEPAV finalized the conduction of Turkey’s national research on the specific post crisis implic [More]
Crises, Industry,
The TEPAV USA Center Celebrates its 1st Anniversary with Pulitzer Winner Tom Friedman American journalist Tom Friedman said that despite the impressive development of Turkey in the recent period, the number of journalist in jail, the self-censorship in the press, and the intimidation of the media are displeasing.
Haber Resim
29/11/2012- 1867   ANKARA – The first anniversary of the TEPAV USA Center was celebrated with a meeting that hosted American journalist and winner of three Pulitzer prizes, Tom Friedman. During the meeting, titled “The US and Our Flat World after the Elections,” F [More]
Turkish - American Relations, USA, TEPAV USA Center, Globalization, Syria, Technology,
Bülent Aras / Turkey's Mediation and Friends of Mediation Initiative The sixth edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Bülent Aras, the chairman of the Turkish Foreign Ministry’s Strategic Research Center and serves as the President of the Diplomacy Academy.
Haber Resim
26/11/2012- 5123 "This brief critically examines a new area of activism in Turkey’s foreign policy agenda: Turkey’s rise as a mediator in regional and international crises zones. It contextualizes Turkey’s reliance on a multitude of actors to support its mediation [More]
Turkish Foreign Policy, Region, Mediation, UN,
TEPAV Wins the G3’s Entrepreneurship Award of the Year It has been announced that TEPAV won the award “for its role in raising awareness about entrepreneurship as well as for its active support of entrepreneurship.”
Haber Resim
23/11/2012- 1795   ANKARA – The G3 Forum has presented the G3 Entrepreneurship Award of the Year to TEPAV. G3 is the flagship of the events during Global Entrepreneurship Week, celebrated in 123 countries worldwide with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurship amon [More]
Entrepreneurship , GEP-TR,
Israel-Palestine Conflict on TEPAV’s Agenda In his last report, Geoffrey Aronson of Foundation for Middle East Peace offered solutions for the Obama government that puts emphasis on the “era of transition”
Haber Resim
19/11/2012- 1588   ANKARA – The U.S. policy on the Israel-Palestine conflict on top of the world’s foreign policy agenda was discussed with a meeting at TEPAV on Thursday, 19 November 2012. The meeting hosted Dr. Geoffrey Aronson, Director of Research and Publicat [More]
Palestine, U.S. Foreign Policy, Israel,
Six countries presented their final reports on the impact of the economic crisis on the industrial relations system TEPAV presented the national report on the economic crisis impact on industrial relations national system in Sofia, Bulgaria, on November 15-16, 2012.
Haber Resim
16/11/2012- 1855   SOFIA – As part of the project titled “The Economic Crisis Impact on Industrial Relations National Systems: Policy Responses as Key Recovery Tools”, participants from six countries (Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Estonia and the FYR of Ma [More]
Global Financial Crisis, Industrial Policy,