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Intergenerational Mobility in Education - How Does Turkey Compare in Equality of Opportunity? Evaluation Note / Bilgi Aslankurt
Haber Resim
17/01/2013- 2536 "Education is one of the key factors that determine the quality of human resources and thus the competitiveness of a country. The steps that will enhance the access to and quality of education can facilitate economic growth by helping make the best [More]
Education , Economic Development, Equality of Opportunity, Human Capital,
WIFI Turkey Draws Attention of International Companies… During the introduction meeting, the audience was briefed on the first project of WIFI Turkey.
Haber Resim
15/01/2013- 1632 ANKARA – Vocational training institute WIFI Turkey introduced its operations to representatives from international corporations based in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The meeting held on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 was attended by representatives [More]
Vocational Training, Private Sector, Labor Market Policies,
The Turkish Economy in 2000-2010: “Not a Lost Decade, But Vulnerabilities Exist” Economist Eken stated that growth was not inclusive enough and rapid growth did not remedy unemployment.
Haber Resim
14/01/2013- 3043 ANKARA –Turkey’s economic performance in the first decade of the 2000s was brought to the table at TEPAV. Dr. Sena Eken, Retired Senior Economist at the IMF and the co-author of the book “Turkey 2000-10: A Decade of Transition - Discussions Among E [More]
Turkish Economy, Growth, Employment, Savings, Current Account Deficit,
"iyiYatırım Summit” Brings Together Angel Investors in Ankara The keynote speakers were Robert Okabe and John May of the Angel Resource Institute.
Haber Resim
11/01/2013- 2083 ANKARA – The iyiYatırım Angel Investment Summit” the first of which was held in Istanbul last year was carried out in Ankara on Friday, 11 January 2013. The Summit hosted by TEPAV brought together angel investors with the aim to contribute to the c [More]
Entrepreneurship , Angel Investment,
Highest Employment Growth in Textile, Wearing Apparel and Food Sectors… The sectors employ thirty-nine percent of the total insured workers in manufacturing industry.
Haber Resim
06/01/2013- 2348 ANKARA – The number of insured workers in the manufacturing industry reached 3,326,000 in September 2012. Thirty-nine percent of the total employment in manufacturing was in the textiles, wearing apparel and food products sectors. The fourteenth i [More]
Employment Statistics, Manufacturing, Food Sector, Informality, Textiles,
Retail Confidence Weaker than it was Last Year In December 2012, TEPE had a value of -3.3
Haber Resim
03/01/2013- 1570 ANKARA - In December 2012, TEPE decreased year-on-year despite the slight month-on-month increase. Retail confidence was weaker than it was in 2011 throughout 2012. The volume of business activities compared to the same period in 2011 rose for the [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
TEPAV Director Sak Warns Industrialists on Deindustrialization Güven Sak pointed at the ongoing process of deindustrialization in Turkey mainly because of the failure to advance quality in industry.
Haber Resim
26/12/2012- 2133 ISTANBUL - TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak delivered a presentation titled “Signs Unfolding: Ongoing Deindustrialization in Turkey” at the assembly meeting of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ISO) on Wednesday, 26 December 2012. Stating that th [More]
Industry, Industrial Policy, Private Sector,
The Number of Businesses Declared to the SSI Increases by 101,000 As of the end of August, there were 1,495,000 registered businesses.
Haber Resim
25/12/2012- 1814   ANKARA – The number of businesses declared to the Social Security Institution (SSI) increased by 101,000 between August 2011 and 2012. The number of businesses registered at the SSI therefore increased to 1,495,000. This corresponds to an annual [More]
Employment Statistics, Informality, Employment,
The Feasibility Study for Business Bridges between EU and MENA Released The report was prepared by TEPAV in the scope of the project titled Global Business Bridges Initiative”
Haber Resim
20/12/2012- 1909   ANKARA – Global Business Bridges Initiative Feasibility Study prepared by TEPAV for supporting business complementarities between European Union member states Turkey and Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine was published. The study was conducted in the [More]
European Union, SMEs, Trade, MENA,
Paulo Gorjão / "Portugal and Turkey: An Increasingly Substantive Relationship" The seventh edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Paulo Gorjão, Director ofthe Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS) and lecturer of international relations in the Human and Social Sciences Faculty at Lusíada University in Lisbon.
Haber Resim
18/12/2012- 3469 "The last visit to Lisbon by a member of the Turkish government occurred in September 2012. Egemen Bağiş, Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs, as part of a round of contacts at the European level, met with the Portuguese President of the Repub [More]
Turkish Foreign Policy, EU Accession, Portugal,