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Eduard Soler i Lecha - "Spain and Turkey: Can Relations Further Widen and Deepen?" The tenth edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Eduard Soler i Lecha, Research Coordinator at CIDOB, Barcelona Center for International Affairs.
Haber Resim
14/06/2013- 2930   "During the past few decades, Spain-Turkey relations have experienced a substantial positive change in several areas including political dialogue, economic partnerships and socio-cultural linkages. The establishment of high-level political summi [More]
MENA, European Union, EU Accession, Bilateral Relations, Spain-Turkey relations,
The TEPAV | FAPRI Advisory Platform Convenes TEPAV |FAPRI Director Güven said that the Institute was making projections for wheat, barley, and corn to develop an economic model.
Haber Resim
12/06/2013- 1469   ANKARA – The TEPAV Food and Agricultural Policies Research Institute (TEPAV | FAPRI), operating under the auspices of TEPAV, held its first advisory platform meeting on Wednesday, 12 June 2013. The Platform members consisting of cooperative and [More]
Agriculture, Food Sector, Productivity, Prices, Financialization,
TEPAV Director Sak: “Transport Corridors Necessary for Integration in the Mediterranean” Sak stated that the share of MENA countries in Turkey’s exports increased from 17.8 percent in 2007 to 35.3 percent in 2012.
Haber Resim
11/06/2013- 1644 WASHINGTON – TEPAV Director Güven Sak pointed at the need to improve transportation infrastructure for economic integration in the MENA region, the share of which in Turkey’s exports has been improving remarkably. Sak attended the meeting titl [More]
Regional Integration, Regional Development, Regional Economic Cooperation, Exports, Transport, Transatlantic Relations, MENA,
Retailers’ Mood Better than Last Year, Worse than April TEPE, which was in rise in the last two months, had a value of minus 2.2 in May 2013.
Haber Resim
04/06/2013- 1575   In May 2013, the TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator TEPE increased year-on-year but decreased month-on-month. Expectations for the level of sales and employment in the next three years, too increased compared to last year and decreased compared t [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
The Merih Celasun Award Winner: “The Extension of Compulsory Education Has Reduced the Number of Child Brides.” A study that examines the impact of education on marriage and birth rates reveals that the reform has increased the schooling rates for girls, especially in the rural Turkey.
Haber Resim
28/05/2013- 1724   ANKARA – The extension of compulsory education from five to eight years has increased schooling rates and decreased the number of teenage marriage and births in Turkey. The findings of the TEPAV 2012 Merih Celasun Award winner study, titled “The [More]
Merih Celasun Memorial Day, Turkish Economy, Demographics, Gender, Education ,
Timur Kuran: “The Tradition of Islamic Waqfs Had a Role in the Underdevelopment of the Middle East” The memorial lecture of this year’s Merih Celasun Memorial Day event was given by Prof. Timur Kuran.
Haber Resim
27/05/2013- 3240 ANKARA – The third Memorial Day TEPAV in honor of Professor Merih Celasun was held on Monday, 27 May 2013. This year’s memorial lecture was delivered by a renowned academic, Professor Timur Kuran, who delivered a presentation titled “Institutional [More]
Merih Celasun Memorial Day, Middle East, Democracy, Waqfs,
Economist and Political Scientist Timur Kuran to Deliver the Merih Celasun Memorial Lecture The 3rd Merih Celasun Memorial Day event will host students and friends of Celasun including prominent academics.
Haber Resim
20/05/2013- 2144 ANKARA – TEPAV has been organizing Memorial Day events in commemoration of Professor Merih Celasun, who offered critical solutions for Turkey’s economic problems with his studies on economic policy driven by scientific thought. The third event of t [More]
Merih Celasun Memorial Day, Turkish Economy,
A New EU Treaty: "A Political Science Fiction?" Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
17/05/2013- 1820 "The ongoing crisis conditions in the EU have reincarnated the debate on a new treaty, especially in the context of governance and for more  deepening.  The Lisbon Treaty that entered into force at the end of 2009 could not be and exact cure to the [More]
European Union, Crises, Lisbon Treaty,
Turkey’s Industry: Carry on with the Pipes and Drums or Time for the Symphony? The recent transformation of and the prospects for the Turkish industry was deliberated during a meeting at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
10/05/2013- 2230   ANKARA - TEPAV and the World Bank jointly organized a meeting titled “Industrial Policy in the World and in Turkey” on Friday, 10 May 2013. At the meeting, which raised the need for Turkey to switch to high-tech sophisticated industrial producti [More]
Industry, Industrial Policy, Labor Market Policies, Female Labor Force Participation, Demographics,
TEPAV: “Turkey’s Retail Sector Surpasses Europe at a Historic Rate” With a value of 3.6, TEPE increased by 4.3 points month-on-month and by 9.8 points year-on-year in April 2013.
Haber Resim
03/05/2013- 1903   ANKARA - In April 2013, TEPE increased both year-on-year and month-on-month, and achieved the highest level of the last 16 months. Expectations for the level of sales in the next three months recorded the 26-month highest. Retail confidence decr [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,