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Sales Expectations in the Retail Sector the Lowest of the Last Year TEPE had a value of minus 6.9 in September 2013
Haber Resim
02/10/2013- 1501 In September 2013, TEPE decreased both year-on-year and month-on-month. Anticipation for business recovery compared to last 3 months and last year weakened. Expectations for orders, sales and employment for the next 3 months deteriorated month-on-m [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Toward A New Immigration Policy "Fulfilling the Need for Labor and the Rise of the Creative Class in Turkey" Policy Note / Marina Rose Best, TEPAV Visiting Research Associate
Haber Resim
20/09/2013- 2863 "Throughout the latter half of the 19th century, many countries pursued open immigration policies that allowed masses of unskilled workers to fill the factories of industry; however, as the 20th century wore on, the policies that facilitated thi [More]
Labor Market Policies, Migration,
Launch Event of Transatlantic Trends 2013 Report at TEPAV The meeting held to present the results of the survey that measures public opinion in the US, Europe and Turkey was attended by the US and EU Ambassadors.
Haber Resim
18/09/2013- 1967 ANKARA – The 2013 results of the annual Transatlantic Trends Survey carried out by the German Marshall Fund of United States (GMF) were released with a meeting at TEPAV on Wednesday, 18 September. Following the opening addresses by H.E. Ambassador [More]
Transatlantic Relations, USA, European Union, Public Opinion Poll, Syria, Turkey, Security,
TEPAV Director Sak: "The Latest Development Plan Speaks More Korean" A meeting themed “How to Avoid the Middle Income Trap” hosted a debate on the divergence between South Korea and Turkey, which had similar economic structures in the 1970s.
Haber Resim
17/09/2013- 2455 ANKARA – TEPAV held a meeting themed “How to Avoid the Middle Income Trap: Policy Lessons from Korea” on Tuesday, 17 September 2013, with the contributions of the Korea Capital Market Institute (KCMI). Delivering the opening remarks, TEPAV Director [More]
South Korea, Development, Development Plans, Innovation, Education , Current Account Deficit, Middle Income Trap,
Bozkurt Aran - "Global Partnership Quests - New Contentious Dynamics in Trade and Prospects for Turkey in an age of TPP and TTIP" The eleventh edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Bozkurt Aran, Director ofthe Center for Multilateral Trade Studies at TEPAV
Haber Resim
13/09/2013- 3162 "The brief looks at how the necessity to maintain and develop the current trading system has led to new quests, namely the Transpacifi c Partnership (TPP); and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Both of the initiatives are comp [More]
Trade, World Trade Organization, Transatlantic Relations, Free Trade Agreements,
Business Activities Up, Expectations Stronger Than Last Year In August 2013, TEPE had a value of minus 0.1
Haber Resim
03/09/2013- 1519 ANKARA – In August 2013, TEPE decreased month-on-month but increased year-on-year. Anticipation for business recovery improved compared to the last three months and previous year. Expectations for orders and sales in the next three months were stro [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
TEPAV Assesses the Tenth Development Plan (2) The Tenth Development Plan and an Old Question: Can Women Boost Turkey’s Growth? | An Evaluation Note by Güneş A. Aşık
Haber Resim
15/08/2013- 1864 "Promoting women’s employment is a major issue that will come to the fore in international economic platforms in the near future. With the tightened global liquidity and reduced chances for growth driven by cheap foreign funds, developing countries [More]
Female Labor Force Participation, Women's Employment, Women, Development, Development Plans,
TEPAV: "Non-Agricultural Employment among Women Increases, Although in the Informal Sector” New employment opportunities for women were generated mainly by the services sectors; education, health and tourism being chief among them.
Haber Resim
15/08/2013- 2351 ANKARA - TEPAV reports that women’s share in the non-agricultural employment increased by 5 percentage points and exceeded 4.8 million in the first quarter of 2013, although 27 percent of women’s employment is still in the informal sector. Over the [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics, Women's Employment, Agriculture, Informality, Labor Market Policies,
TEPAV Assesses the Tenth Development Plan (1) An Assessment on the Tenth Development Plan: “If properly supported, the plan can serve as the roadmap for the 2023 goals” | Evaluation Note by Esen Çağlar and Ozan Acar
Haber Resim
12/08/2013- 1919 "The Tenth Development Plan of Turkey was adopted by the General Assembly of Parliament on 2 July 2013 and published in the Official Gazette. The plan is in effect as of 6 July 2013. Covering the period between 2014 and 2018, it gives us the opport [More]
Development, Growth, Innovation, Environment, Development Plans, Industrial Policy,
TEPAV Assesses the Tenth Development Plan TEPAV analysts and research associates who contributed to the preparations process will discuss the Plan with a series of notes.
Haber Resim
11/08/2013- 1398 ANKARA- TEPAV brings to the table the Tenth Development Plan for the 2014-2018 period by issuing a series of notes which will discuss the Plan in detail. The series will mainly discuss to “what extent the Tenth Development Plan can pave the road t [More]
Development, Development Plans,