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The United Kingdom’s Renewable Energy Experience Addressed During the conference, an eco-friendly hybrid double-decker bus of the GREAT Campaign was displayed in front of the TEPAV building.
Haber Resim
12/11/2013- 1880 ANKARA –The renewable energy experiences of the United Kingdom were shared with a conference at TEPAV on Tuesday, 12 November 2013. A conference, titled “Green is GREAT: UK-Turkey Cooperative Dialogue on Wind, Solar, and Clean Coal Technology,” wa [More]
Energy, Renewable Energy, United Kingdom,
An Anti-Corruption Conference by TEPAV During the conference, representatives from the public and private sectors and non-governmental organizations discussed the perception of, the legality of, and the struggle against corruption.
Haber Resim
11/11/2013- 1861 ANKARA – TEPAV held an Anti-Corruption Conference on Friday, 8 November 2013, attended by representatives from the public sector, private sector, and civil society. Delivering the opening remarks, TEPAV Director Güven Sak said that TEPAV had been [More]
Anti-Corruption, Public Sector, Private Sector, Civil Society,
TEPAV: "The Number of Women in Urban Employment Increased by 1.5 Million in 4 Years" The rise in women’s employment was driven by the insurance premium incentive for employers who hire women.
Haber Resim
10/11/2013- 1937 ANKARA – TEPAV reports that the exemption of employers from insurance premiums of women workers over a gradual five-year scheme had a partial contribution to the increase in non-agricultural employment amongst women over the last 4 years. This way, [More]
Employment Statistics, Women's Employment,
EU Director Eralp Stressed Turkey’s Potential For Neighbourhood Policy of EU Nilgün Arısan Eralp gave a speech at the meeting themed “Europe with a View to the Future”.
Haber Resim
08/11/2013- 1758   GDANSK - TEPAV EU Director Nilgün Arısan Eralp gave a speech at the meeting themed “Europe with a View to the Future” of European Solidarity Center in Gdansk (Poland) on 8th of November, 2013. Delivering a presentation at the second day panel t [More]
European Union, Neighbourhood Policy,
Business Activities Recover in the Retail Sector In October 2013, TEPE had a value of minus 2.4 with a month-on-month increase
Haber Resim
05/11/2013- 1758 In October 2013, TEPE increased month-on-month and remained constant year-on-year. Anticipation for business recovery compared o the last 3 month and last year strengthened. Expectations for the orders placed with suppliers and for sales in the nex [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Reysaş from Ankara is Turkey’s Fastest Growth Company Software and food industry sectors have a high share in Turkey 100. Average age of winners when they found the company is 31. Turkey 100 companies grew on average by 271 percent in 2010-2012.
Haber Resim
30/10/2013- 2473   ANKARA –   The fastest growing 100 companies of Turkey were selected. The winner of the project was Reysaş Technology. It was followed by Alco Beverages and Cici Chocolate. Winners of the Turkey 100 Project TEPAV carried out in cooperation with [More]
Turkey 100, Private Sector, Growth,
TEPAV 2013 Merih Celasun Award Theme is “Urbanization” Applicant studies are expected to focus directly on Turkey and benefit from international practices and experiences in doing so.
Haber Resim
27/10/2013- 2167 ANKARA – TEPAV continues to award academic studies in the memory of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who created remarkable solutions to Turkey's structural problems throughout his career. The 2013 Merih Celasun Award theme will be “Turkey’s urbanization a [More]
Merih Celasun Memorial Day, Urbanization, Turkish Economy,
TEPAV: “Underemployment Also on the Rise” Seasonally adjusted underemployment index value increased by 5.8 points to 88.7
Haber Resim
13/10/2013- 1668 ANKARA – TEPAV identifies that underemployment increases alongside unemployment in Turkey. The TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin reports that the rapid upwards trend observed in the seasonally adjusted underemployment index value ongoing since [More]
Employment, Labor Market Policies, Unemployment, Underemployment,
The Latest Report of the International Crisis Group on the Kurdish Issue Discussed The report assesses the peace process Turkey carries on to solve the Kurdish and PKK issues.
Haber Resim
10/10/2013- 1792 ANKARA – TEPAV hosted a meeting to discuss the International Crisis Group (ICG) report titled “Crying ‘Wolf’: Why Turkish Fears Need not Block Kurdish Reform” on Thursday, 10 October 2013. The meeting was moderated by TEPAV EU Institute Director N [More]
The Kurdish Issue, PKK, Democracy, Election Threshold, Education in Mother Language,
Social Media and Politics by American Journalist Cooper: Did Mount Twitter Give Birth to a Mouse? Professor Cooper questioned the quality of the flow of information and the use of social media in journalism.
Haber Resim
04/10/2013- 1536 ANKARA – American journalist and Columbia Business School professor Ann Cooper spoke at TEPAV on Friday, 4 October 2013. Cooper addressed the impact of the social media and the Internet on politics in terms of the changes in the practices of jour [More]
USA, Media, World Politics, Democracy, Social Media,