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G20’s 2014 Growth Strategy Debated at TEPAV Australian Ambassador James Larsen stated that they are working with Turkey for a successful transfer of G20 presidency on December
Haber Resim
20/03/2014- 3069 ANKARA – TEPAV and the Australian Embassy co-organized a meeting titled “G20 2014 Growth Strategies: Improving the Business Environment” on Wednesday, 20 March 2014. The meeting moderated by Bozkurt Aran, Director of TEPAV's Center for Multilateral [More]
G-20, G-20 Studies, Global Economy, Reform, Global Financial Crisis, Emerging Market Economies,
TEPAV Attended Global Entrepreneurship Congress The congress gathering from around the world key institutions which work to improve entrepreneurship was held in Moscow this year.
Haber Resim
20/03/2014- 1275 MOSCOW – TEPAV attended Global Entrepreneurship Congress held between March 17-20 in Moscow gathering key institutions that work to foster entrepreneurship. In the opening panel, Ussal Şahbaz from TEPAV delivered a speech titled “Data-based Entrepr [More]
Entrepreneurship , Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship Policies,
“National Needs Assessment of English Language Teaching” by TEPAV… TEPAV and the British Council delegations shared the results of the study with the Minister of National Education Nabi Avcı.
Haber Resim
13/03/2014- 1842 The study titled “Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching” jointly carried out by TEPAV and the British Council was presented to the Minister of National Education Nabi Avcı on 13 March 2014. The presentation inv [More]
Education , Foreign Language Education, Education Reform,
Three Things to Know about Turkey’s Trade with China Evaluation Note / İrem Kızılca
Haber Resim
06/03/2014- 1475 "Following the 2008 crisis, Turkey, which had demonstrated high economic growth with a low current account deficit, had to increase its current account deficit to sustain comparable levels of economic growth. Moving forward, low growth and high cur [More]
Trade, China, Exports, Current Account Deficit, Integration,
First Time in 4 Years, More Than 60% of Retailers Say Business Declined In February 2014, 13.9 percent of TEPE survey participants declared an improvement in their business activities compared to the year before while 63 percent declared deterioration.
Haber Resim
04/03/2014- 1298 TEPE declined year-on-year and month-on-month in February 2014. The rate of retailers who declared that their business activities deteriorated was 69 percent compared to past three months and 63 percent compared to past year. In February 2010, the [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Istanbul Forum Held its Eight Meeting Istanbul – Islamabad Train was also discussed in the meeting of the Forum which gathers private sector umbrella organizations from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey
Haber Resim
14/02/2014- 1172 ANKARA – The Eight Meeting of Istanbul Forum which gathers private sector umbrella organizations was held in Ankara on February 13, 2014.   At the end of the meeting organized in the framework of the summit of the leaders of three countries, the [More]
Istanbul Forum, Entrepreneurship , Istanbul-Islamabad Train,
Retailers are Unhappy with Business Volume but Optimistic about the Future Expectations therefore increased by 8.9 points year-on-year and by 3.3 points month-on-month.
Haber Resim
04/02/2014- 1488   In January 2014, TEPE declined both month-on-month and year-on year and started the year in the negatives. The level of business activities decreased sharply compared to the past three months and last year. Retailers are hopeful about the future [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
TEPAV at the South Caucasus Forum The results of the TEPAV projects at the South Caucasus were discussed during the Forum
Haber Resim
30/01/2014- 1389 BERLIN – TEPAV attended the second edition of the South Caucasus Forum organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The Forum which brought together experts and decision makers from the region was held in Berlin on 29-30 Jan [More]
South Caucasus, GMF, Silk Road, Transportation,
TEPAV Prepares a Gender Equality Scorecard for 81 Cities The study suggests that the gender gap is smallest in Istanbul, Tunceli, Bolu, Düzce, and Eskişehir.
Haber Resim
29/01/2014- 2101   ANKARA - TEPAV prepared a gender equality scorecard for 81 provinces in Turkey. In the context of the study, a Local Gender Equality Index and a Local Gender Empowerment Index were developed and cities were compared on the basis of indicators su [More]
Gender, Local Governance, Services, Women's Employment,
Nilgün Arısan Eralp - "The Outlook for EU-Turkey Relations" TEPAV - EU Institute Director Nilgün Arısan Eralp authored the twelfth issues of the Turkey Policy Brief Series
Haber Resim
24/01/2014- 3441   "Although the fiftieth anniversary of Turkey-EU relations came and went without notice, the end of 2013 appeared to herald glimmers of hope for the relationship between the two parties. Although neither seemed to have made their mind up regarding [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, EU Accession, Turkish Foreign Policy, Progress Report, Visa Liberalization,