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“Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching Forum” Convened at TEPAV Representatives from public institutions, academia and civil society attended the Forum during which TEPAV and British Council report was discussed.
Haber Resim
08/05/2014- 2672 ANKARA - “Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching Forum” was held on Wednesday May 8, 2014. Representatives from public institutions academia and civil society attended the Forum during which the report with “Turk [More]
Foreign Language, Foreign Language Education, Education ,
Situation of Syrian Refugees in Turkey Were Discussed at TEPAV The last Syrian report of the International Crisis Group builds on interviews with local people and refugees in Gaziantep and Kilis, as well as activists and local and central government bodies
Haber Resim
08/05/2014- 1648 ANKARA – International Crisis Group (ICG) report “The Rising Costs of Turkey’s Syrian Quagmire” which focused on Syrian refugees in Turkey was presented with a meeting held at TEPAV on May 8, 2014. Didem Akyel Collinsworth, Cyprus/Turkey analyst of [More]
Syria, Turkish Foreign Policy, Refugees,
Confidence Down, Expectations Stagnant in the Retail Sector TEPE which started the year with a downwards trend went down following the surge in March.
Haber Resim
05/05/2014- 1509 ANKARA - In April 2014, TEPE declined month-on-month and year-on-year. Expectations for orders, sales, and sales prices in the next three months improved year-on-year whereas sales expectations have been stagnant over the last 6 months. The volume [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Raiser: “The Customs Union needs to be modernized” World Bank Turkey Director Martin Raiser said that the first best solution concerning the Customs Union was progress in the EU accession whereas such solution was not on the table.
Haber Resim
29/04/2014- 2115 ANKARA – World Bank Turkey Director Martin Raiser stated that the Customs Union agreement between the EU and Turkey needed to be modernized with the trade policies across the world have been changing. The report “Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Cust [More]
Custom Union, EU - Turkey Relations, Trade, Free Trade Agreements,
Clerides Institute’s Director Sophocleous at TEPAV Cyprus negotiation process which has recently invigorated was discussed during the meeting.
Haber Resim
11/04/2014- 1791   ANKARA – TEPAV hosted Michalis Sophocleous, Executive Director of Glefkos Clerides Institute based in Nicosia on Friday April 11. The main theme of meeting was the negotiation process in Cyprus that has invigorated with the joint declaration [More]
Cyprus, Greek Cypriots,
The Number of Agricultural Workers Down in 81 Cities The number of registered agricultural workers declined year-on-year by 128,000
Haber Resim
11/04/2014- 1582 ANKARA – The number of registered agricultural workers declined year-on-year in all of the 81 cities, with the total decline in agricultural employment reaching 128,000.   The TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin reported that the total number of [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics,
Can Technology be Developed without Government Assistance? Korean Automobile Case Study Evaluation Note / İrem Kızılca
Haber Resim
10/04/2014- 1432 "South Korea is the world’s 5th biggest automobile producer and the 6th biggest exporter. At the beginning of the 1980s, when Korea was 30th largest exporter, Turkey was right behind it, in 31st place. In 30 years, Korea rapidly rose first to 28th [More]
Technology, Trade, Automotive Sector, South Korea, R&D, Industrial Policy,
TEPAV Director Sak: “Populist Approaches Negatively Affect the Volatility of Growth” Güven Sak spoke at the 38th Economists' Week
Haber Resim
08/04/2014- 1661 ISTANBUL – TEPAV Director Güven Sak, emphasizing that Turkey, which has been a part of global economy since the 1980s, has become richer during the process while its economic objectives remained local and political. Sak said “Populist approaches ne [More]
Turkish Economy, Growth, Global Economy, Global Financial Crisis, Fiscal Policy,
The Project for Improving the Competition in Machinery Sector The final meeting of the Kayseri need assessments was held in Kayseri Chamber of Industry on April 4, 2014.
Haber Resim
04/04/2014- 1477 KAYSERİ - The final meeting of the Kayseri need assessment phase of the Project for “Improving Competition in Machinery Sector”, consultancy of which was made by TEPAV, was held at Kayseri Chamber of Industry on April 4, 2014. During his speech, O [More]
Machinery Sector, Competitiveness, Chambers,
Business Activity Bolsters in the EU; Weakens in Turkey… Compared to EU-28, TEPE was one of the three countries that suffered year-on-year decline in retail confidence
Haber Resim
02/04/2014- 1618 In March 2014, TEPE increased month-on-month but decreased year-on-year. The quarterly figure is the weakest one since 2010. Sixty-four percent of retailers state that their business activities decreased compared to the previous year while 61 perce [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,