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Retailers Discontented with the Past, Hopeless about the Future Both the level of business activities compared to the past and expectations for the future weakened
Haber Resim
02/07/2014- 1511 ANKARA - TEPE decreased both month-on-month and year-on-year in June 2014 to the lowest value since 2010 considering first six months. Expectations stagnant over the last 7 months declined. The level of business activities compared to the past peri [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , Retailing Sector,
Employment Growth in Manufacturing Industry Winds Down Deindustrialization impact on overall employment, women’s employment and the number of businesses becomes visible
Haber Resim
01/07/2014- 1939 ANKARA- The contribution of the manufacturing industry to employment growth has been in a gradual decline. Employment growth rate in manufacturing was below the overall employment growth in February 2014. The 27th issue of the TEPAV Employment Mon [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics, Deindustrialization,
TEPAV Attended the Civil 20 Summit in Melbourne Participants met with Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott
Haber Resim
23/06/2014- 2995 MELBOURNE – TEPAV attended the Civil 20 (C20) Summit in Melbourne on 20-21 June 2014. Along with TEPAV, OXFAM, change.org, (Turkey and Middle East Office), WWF Turkey and GIF attended the Summit.   On 22 June, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot [More]
G-20, Civil Society, Global Economy,
Designing an Industrial Policy Toolkit for Turkey and Western Balkans The Second TEPAV - OECD Industrial Policy Workshop was held in Istanbul
Haber Resim
20/06/2014- 1685 ISTANBUL- A report entitled “Designing an Industrial Policy Toolkit for the Western Balkans and Turkey” was discussed during the second workshop of the industrial policy series organized jointly by TEPAV and OECD.   Hosted by TEPAV, the workshop [More]
Industrial Policy, Balkans, Industry, International Organizations,
Private Sector Development in Afghanistan and Pakistan Evaluation Note / Ozan Acar
Haber Resim
13/06/2014- 1678 "Two major developments will be extremely important for the future of Afghanistan. The first is the 2014 presidential election that took place on April 5 and was an important step toward consolidating a transition to democracy. The second one is th [More]
Private Sector Development, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Economic Transformation,
The Abu Dhabi Process is Completed In the context of the process which TEPAV also supported, consultation meetings were carried out in Istanbul, Islamabad, New Delhi and Berlin.
Haber Resim
11/06/2014- 1506 The Abu Dhabi Process coordinated by the Brussels-based EastWest Institute (EWI) with the co-funding of the governments of Abu Dhabi and Germany is completed. In the context of the Abu Dhabi Process, four consultation meetings about the economic fu [More]
Afghanistan, Regional Economic Cooperation, Private Sector Development,
PRIO: “Solution in Cyprus increases GDP per capita by €12,139” A study by PRIO reveals that solution in Cyprus would bring an extra GDP of €18.9 billion on averageby 2035
Haber Resim
09/06/2014- 1808 ANKARA – A recent study by Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) estimates that a settlement in Cyprus would bring an additional GDP of € 18.9 billion and GDP per capita of €12,139 on average by 2035. PRIO study titled “The Cyprus Peace Dividend Re [More]
Cyprus, Growth, GDP, Cyprus Studies,
Have Retailers Lost Their Excitement? TEPE had a value of minus 6.9 in May with a month-on-month decline by 2 points and a year-on-year declined by 5.2 points
Haber Resim
03/06/2014- 1470 ANKARA -  TEPE declined both month-on-month and year-on-year in May 2014. TEPE values in the first five months of 2014 were lower than those in the same period in 2013. Expectations for sales and employment in the next 3 years weakened; those for s [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Historic Summit in Cyprus Representatives of business circles from Turkey, Greece, South Cyprus and TRNC convened in Cyprus.
Haber Resim
02/06/2014- 1882 NICOSIA – Heads of business organizations of Turkey, Greece, South Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) convened in Cyprus for the first time since 1974. The participants decided to establish the Nicosia Economic Forum. TOBB Pr [More]
Cyprus, Chambers, Private Sector, Turkey-Greece Relations, Turkey-Cyprus Relations,
TEPAV: “The Number of Artisans Drops by 64,000 Year-on-Year” The number of artisans decreased to 1 million 849 thousand in Turkey.
Haber Resim
19/05/2014- 1611 ANKARA- According to The TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin, the number of artisans decreased year-on-year by 3.4 percent (64 thousand people), down to 1 million 849 thousand. In seasonally adjusted series, the number of artisans that reached th [More]
Employment, Employment Statistics,