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Arbitration Center and Incubation Center to be Established in Cyprus The second summit of the Nicosia Economic Forum was held in Istanbul
Haber Resim
14/09/2014- 1797 ISTANBUL –Heads of business organizations of Turkey, Greece, South Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) convened for the second time after the first summit in Nicosia. The four leaders held the second summit of the Nicosia Econ [More]
Chambers, Private Sector, Cyprus, Greek Cypriots, Turkey-Greece Relations, Entrepreneurship ,
Findings of the Transatlantic Trends Survey Presented at TEPAV The survey reveals that more of the Turkish respondents thought that EU membership would be good for Turkey
Haber Resim
10/09/2014- 2097 ANKARA- Findings of the 2014 Transatlantic Trends survey conducted by the GMF (The German Marshall Fund of the United States) was presented at TEPAV. The survey reveals that the rate of respondents from Turkey who believe that EU membership would b [More]
GMF, EU - Turkey Relations, Turkish - American Relations, Transatlantic Relations,
UNDP 2014 Human Development Report Turkey Launch Held at TEPAV The launch meeting of the report entitled “Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience” hosted Minister of Development Cevdet Yılmaz and UNDP Turkey Resident Representative Kamal Malhotra
Haber Resim
05/09/2014- 2465 ANKARA  - The United Nations Development Programme’s  (UNDP) Human Development Report (HDR) 2014 entitled “Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience” was launched in Turkey with a meeting at TEPAV.  The meeting was [More]
Education , Health Sector, Middle Income Trap, Development, International Organizations, Human Development, GDP Per Capita,
Retail Sector Recovers Month-On-Month TEPE increased month-on-month by 3.9 points but decreased year-on-year by 1.2 points.
Haber Resim
04/09/2014- 1346 ANKARA - In August 2014, TEPE increased month-on-month by 3.9 points but decreased year-on-year by 12 points. The largest year-on-year surge in sub-sectors was in motor vehicles sector. The volume of business activities compared to past period incr [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Support to the Armenia – Turkey Normalisation Process Grant Scheme - Call for Proposals Deadline for applications is September 15th, 2014
Haber Resim
03/09/2014- 1500 ANKARA - A Consortium of eight civil society organisations from Armenia and Turkey announces the Call for Proposals for the Grant Scheme within the framework of the Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process Programme funded by the Europea [More]
Turkey - Armenia Relations,
Turkish Entrepreneurs to Participate in Startup Weekend Armenia TEPAV will take a group of entrepreneurs and investors to Startup Weekend Armenia in the framework of the Project for Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process
Haber Resim
28/08/2014- 2445 ANKARA – A group of Turkish entrepreneurs and investors will participate in Startup Weekend Armenia on November 7-9, 2014 with the facilitation of TEPAV. Expenses of 10 of the eligible entrepreneurs will be financed via the program budget. Within [More]
Entrepreneurship , Turkey - Armenia Relations,
Southeast Anatolia the Top Region in Employment Growth TEPAV declares that employment growth in Southeast Anatolia was 9.7 percent in the past year and 85.7 percent in the past five years
Haber Resim
12/08/2014- 1512 ANKARA- TEPAV declares that Southeast Anatolia had the highest employment growth rate in Turkey, with 9.7 percent in the past year and 8.57 percent in the past five years.   The twenty-eighth issue of the TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin repo [More]
Employment Statistics,
Ramadan and Festival Bolster Retail Confidence Forty-five percent of retailers expect sales to increase
Haber Resim
06/08/2014- 1289 ANKARA - In July 2014, TEPE increased month-on-month but decreased year-on-year. All retail subsectors weakened year-on-year whereas indicators and some expectations strengthened month-on-month with Ramadan and Festival effects. As a result, TEPE b [More]
Retailing Sector, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Dr. Roubini at TEPAV… Dr. Roubini was debriefed about economic and political developments in Turkey
Haber Resim
24/07/2014- 1645 ANKARA - Prof. Dr. Nouriel Roubini, who has earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” for foreseeing the global economic crisis of 2008, paid a visit to TEPAV to get information about economic and political developments in Turkey.   Before his meetings with [More]
Global Economy, Turkish Economy,
“Sunni-Shia Polarization in the Middle East” Discussed at TEPAV Prof. Dr. Onat: “For the first time, we are faced with the risk of a global sectarian tension.”
Haber Resim
03/07/2014- 1760 ANKARA - Prof. Dr. Hasan Onat, Head of Ankara University Faculty of Divinity Department of the History of Islamic Sects declared that sectarian tensions until recently had been local and small-scale and warned: “For the first time the Muslim world [More]
Middle East, Syria, Iraq, Islam,