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NATO’s Response to ISIL: Search for a Common Denominator Evaluation Note / Selim Koru  
Haber Resim
25/06/2015- 1462   "The self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (hereinafter “ISIL”) has erupted into the scene in the past few years. It adheres to the Salafi tradition of Sunni Islam, a literalist interpretation with practices extreme for the standards of modern society [More]
Prominent institutions of the world discuss the G20 and the future Around 60 experts from 19 countries get together in Izmir and Bodrum on June 13-15  
Haber Resim
22/06/2015- 865   IZMIR- Some 60 representatives from the prominent think-tanks, research institutions, and international organizations of the world attended the Think20 Turkey workshop on June 13-15. The organization welcomed participants from 19 countries which [More]
TEPAV and TOBB-BIO sign MoU with BIO TEPAV and TOBB collectively organize the BIO Convention Turkey program.
Haber Resim
17/06/2015- 1407 PHILADELPHIA – TEPAV and TOBB sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with BIO, the largest industry organization in the field of biotechnology. Within the framework of the MoU, TEPAV Center for Biotechnology Policies and BIO will carry out studi [More]
TOBB BIO, Biotechnology,
Think20 Event in Washington Brings Together Ali Babacan and Think Tanks Think20 Event in Washington brings together Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and representatives from leading think tanks.
Haber Resim
21/04/2015- 3463   Washington -  TEPAV organized the Think-20 meeting titled ‘“Challenges to the Global Economy and the Role of the G-20” on April 16 at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington D.C. The keynote speaker Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan drew atten [More]
G-20, G-20 Studies, T20,
Catalyst? TTIP’s Impact on the Rest Evaluation Note / M. Sait Akman, Simon J. Evenett and Patrick Low  
Haber Resim
16/04/2015- 1681 "A number of assumptions appear to have been made in Brussels and Washington DC about how the rest of the world will react to the successful conclusion of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Many of the contributions to a new e [More]
The Situation of Fundamental Freedoms in Turkey Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
15/04/2015- 1593   "Fundamental freedoms in the discourse of the European Union (EU) mean: freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of belief and freedom of association. Naturally these freedoms are of utmost importance fo [More]
G20 Workshop on Inclusive Business Held in Ankara Mr. Şahbaz, director of the TEPAV G20 Studies Center, delivered a presentation on how the World SME Forum to be established with the lead of TOBB will benefit inclusive policies.
Haber Resim
15/04/2015- 1062   ANKARA – On April 8th, 2015, Ankara hosted the G20 Workshop on Inclusive Business (IB). At the event, a slew of speakers from business, government, and academia spoke on the topic of IB, all with their own unique perspective. Those who spoke [More]
Meeting on the G20 Presidency of Turkey and Its Impact on Africa The meeting held by TEPAV ve South African Institute of International Affairs was held in Johannesburg
Haber Resim
07/04/2015- 1145   Ankara - A meeting on Turkey’s term presidency of the G20 and its impact on Africa was organized by TEPAV and the South African Institute of International Affairs in  Johannesburg on April 3rd. Ussal Şahbaz, Director of TEPAV Centre of G20 Stud [More]
Science, Technology and Innovation in G20 Countries Evaluation Note / Selin Arslanhan Memiş
Haber Resim
07/04/2015- 2395 "1. Major science and technology-driven changes reshape global manufacturing and value chains in recent years. Developments in technology and innovation based strategies have become the basic factors of  competitiveness at the level of both countr [More]
TEPAV and KIEP Share Experiences in G20 Cooperation A meeting jointly organized by TEPAV and its Korean counterpart KIEP opened to discussion the roles of the Korea and Turkey in G20 and their industrial policy experiences.
Haber Resim
13/03/2015- 2465 ANKARA – In the context of its T20 agenda, TEPAV organized a meeting meeting with the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) on Friday, 13 March 2015. The meeting was opened by Bozkurt Aran, Director of TEPAV Center for Multilater [More]
T20, G-20, G-20 Studies, Global Financial Crisis, Global Economy, Global Governance, Industrial Policy,