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Turkey, G20 and Global Economy İbrahim Çanakcı - IMF Executive Director / Speech at The Center for International Governance Innovation
Haber Resim
14/09/2015- 2617 I will start with a brief overview of the current global conjuncture and risks, followed by the key medium- to long term challenges facing the global economy. I will then talk about how Turkey as the current chair of the G20, has responded to those [More]
TEPAV / T20 contributed to the workshop "China-Australia Global Issues Dialogue” at Shanghai TEPAV / T20 contributed to the workshop "China-Australia Global Issues Dialogue” organized by the Shanghai Institutes of International Studies and National University of Australia.
Haber Resim
17/08/2015- 1340   Shanghai, 15 August 2015 - Organized for the third time, the dialogue included 30 experts on global issues from China, Australia, India, Japan and Singapore. TEPAV was invited to represent Turkey, which the current G20 chair country. Among the [More]
TEPAV launches Public Financial Management Project in TRNC… The project aims to identify the steps to be taken for the TRNC to have a  modern financial management setup in compliance with the EU standards  
Haber Resim
30/07/2015- 1631   ANKARA- TEPAV has launched the Public Financial Management Project in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Expected to last 4 to 5 months, the current status of the TRNC Public Financial Management will be assessed from the perspectiv [More]
Can Balkans become a new manufacturing center for Turkey? Synthesis Workshop of the research project “Strengthening the Connectivity and Business Synergies in the South East Europe” was held in Sarajevo  
Haber Resim
30/07/2015- 2664   Sarajevo –Initial findings of the “Strengthening the Connectivity and Business Synergies in the South East Europe” research project commissioned to TEPAV by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) was shared with participants at a workshop held i [More]
Can Turkey be at the forefront of the latest battle against the Islamic State? Evaluation Note / Selim Koru  
Haber Resim
29/07/2015- 1505   In 1818, Amir Abdullah bin Saud was taken to Istanbul for execution. This was no ordinary prisoner. He was leader of a rebellion that had occupied the two holy cities of Islam for a decade and had dared to declare the Ottoman sultan, Caliph of t [More]
Inclusive Business at International Development Financing Conference On the margins of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, TEPAV, as the chair of Think 20 Turkey, co-organized two side events that convened business leaders, senior representatives of multilateral organizations and other high-level participants.  
Haber Resim
20/07/2015- 1363   Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14 July 2015 -  The Addis Ababa conference has been a major step in the lead-up to the upcoming United Nations Summit in September, where world leaders will adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).On June 13rd, alon [More]
The G-20 and Protectionism - A July 2015 Update Evaluation Note / Simon Evenett  
Haber Resim
14/07/2015- 2832   The past month has seen the publication of four reports that reveal much about the slowdown of export growth and the trade distortions that have the greatest reach. Since restoring economic growth is a key G-20 mandate factors that hold back glo [More]
Making Economies Work for Women: Female Labour Force Participation in Turkey Report / Feride İnan, Güneş Aşık  
Haber Resim
10/07/2015- 2378   Presently, Female Labor Force Participation (hereafter cited as FLFP) in Turkey is exceptionally low by international standards and had been in long-term decline until recently. In 2012, the female participation rate at 29,5 % was the lowest in [More]
Beliefs, Institutions, and Learning: Towards A New Order in the New Global Economy? Evaluation Note / Sumru Altug  
Haber Resim
29/06/2015- 2773   The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 has been termed as the most synchronized recession since the Great Depression in the 1930’s. In its aftermath, we are observing a multitude of changes in the global economy and global governance. For one, [More]
G-20, G-20 Studies, T20, Global Economy,
Contextualizing the Southern Caucasus: Internal and External Dynamics Evaluation Note / Selim Koru  
Haber Resim
26/06/2015- 1453   The Southern Caucasus is a relatively small region, plagued with a web of political problems. To identify and resolve these issues however, it is important to see the region’s place in global events. This paper looks at the region on three level [More]