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Think20 calls on G20 to prioritize fight against financial support for terrorist activities Antalya, Turkey – November 14, 2015 – The Think20, under the leadership of The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), upon agreement from its representatives, releases the following statement on the eve of the G20 Turkey Leaders’ Summit 2015:  
Haber Resim
14/11/2015- 716   “In response to the terrorist attacks in Paris last evening, the Think20 participants, representing member think tanks from around the world, express their deepest condolences, support and far reaching solidarity toward the people of France. As [More]
The T20 focused on technological transformation and innovation Innovation-20 (I-20) Summit was held on November 13 in Antalya.
Haber Resim
13/11/2015- 1043 ANTALYA- Innovation-20 (I-20) Summit was held on November 13 in Antalya alongside the G20 leaders’ Summit. The Summit was organized by TEPAV and brought together high-level government officials, multilateral institutions and  the private sector. T [More]
Trade Relations with Syria after the Refugee Influx Evaluation Note / Esra Özpınar, Seda Başıhoş, Aycan Kulaksız  
Haber Resim
10/11/2015- 1676   "Immigration is a multi-dimensional phenomenon that should be considered in its various aspects, including the social, the cultural, security, health, education and economy. At its simplest form, immigrants integrate to the economy of the host c [More]
“Syrian Refugee Crisis” Meeting at TEPAV ESI Founding Chair Gerald Knaus makes a presentation titled “Germany, Turkey and the Syrian Refugee Crisis”
Haber Resim
06/11/2015- 1766 ANKARA- The “Germany, Turkey and the Syrian Refugee Crisis” meeting co-organized by TEPAV and the European Stability Initiative (ESI) was held at TEPAV premises on Monday, November 2nd. TEPAV Executive Director Güven Sak stressed in his opening [More]
Amazing India! Sumru Altug / Koc University, CEPR, KU-TUSIAD ERF and T20 National Advisory Council Member
Haber Resim
28/10/2015- 1355   "I made a whirlwind trip to India to take part in an event organized by TEPAV and Gateway House under the auspices of the T-20 Turkey 2015 activities. I already had many pre-conceived notions about India, and as I entered my evening flight [More]
T20 Mumbai Keynote by Dr. Rajan Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, delivered the keynote address at India's first Think20 (T20) meeting organised by Gateway House with TEPAV, on the "Global Economy and Challenges for Multilateral Policies."  
Haber Resim
23/10/2015- 1471   "We need new rules of the game on policy. And I think we always retreat as central bankers to say we have a domestic mandate. What we need is a political consensus to go beyond domestic mandates to think in this integrated world where monetary p [More]
T20, India,
Sophie’s Choice for the European Union: Realpolitik or Values? Inshallah Both Policy Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp  
Haber Resim
15/10/2015- 1665   "This is neither an evaluation of the postponed Progress Report 2015 nor an overview of the Turkey-European Union relations on the tenth anniversary of the initiation of the accession negotiations that has come almost to a complete halt at the m [More]
“Arab Dawn : Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend They Can Bring” Canadian Political Scientist Dr. Bessma Momani launched her last book at TEPAV  
Haber Resim
13/10/2015- 1460     The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) in cooperation with Bessma Momani launched on Wednesday, October 7th 2015 the book entitled: “An Arab Dawn: Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend They Can Bring”. Bessma Momani is a [More]
TEPAV/Sak :” China and Turkey have a lot to learn from one another” The meeting titled “Comparative Economic Reform Perspectives: China and Turkey” was held at TEPAV.  
Haber Resim
12/10/2015- 1624   ANKARA- TEPAV Director Güven Sak noted that Turkey is in need of structural reforms and it will be helpful to learn from the Chinese experience. “With their similar imperial backgrounds and their agrarian traditions, China and Turkey have a lot [More]
China, Reform, Global Economy, Turkish Economy,
GMF “Turkish Perceptions Survey” launched at TEPAV TEPAV Deputy Director Çağlar says the survey is a beneficial tool to measure the effectiveness of policies.  
Haber Resim
12/10/2015- 1307   ANKARA- The results of the Turkish Perceptions Survey carried out by the German Marshall Fund was launched on Wednesday, October 7th 2015 at the TEPAV premises. TEPAV Deputy Director Esen Çağlar said in his opening remarks that the results of T [More]