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Turkey’s functioning market economy passes democracy test The Turkish economy has proven its resilience by displaying a normal reaction to an extraordinary development like the July 15 attempted coup, according to Professor Güven Sak, the head of TEPAV, a think tank based in Ankara.
Haber Resim
01/08/2016- 1574 Turkey cannot afford to be authoritarian as its high current account deficit is financed by the instruments of Western markets, meaning Turkey needs the rule of law to maintain its current state of welfare, he said.When you look at Turkey currently [More]
Patent Box Regimes and Innovation Ecosystem Evaluation Note / Vedantika Bhagat
Haber Resim
30/06/2016- 2333 "Innovation is now understood as one of the main drivers of economic growth by developed and developing economies alike.  Countries are increasingly focused on this pivotal element to address critical social problems such as pollution, health issue [More]
Restructuring The Higher Judiciary was discussed in TEPAV In the meeting, Asst. Prof. Dr. Artuk Ardıçoğlu, who is a member of Ankara University Law Faculty, was the speaker and Dr. Ardıçoğlu evaluated the bill, aiming the reorganization of the Court of Cassation and Council of State.
Haber Resim
29/06/2016- 971 Ankara - “ Restructuring the Higher Judiciary: Current Debates” meeting organized by Tepav Legal Studies Center was held at Tepav on Wednesday, June 29th. Lawyers, academicians, some members of higher judiciary and the representatives of public ins [More]
Recent problems concerning the institution of trusteeship were discussed in Tepav In the meeting, in which Assoc. Prof. Dr. Devrim Güngör was the speaker, regulations regarding the trustee institution and the problems stemming from its implementation have been covered, within the framework of the relevant legislation.
Haber Resim
24/06/2016- 889 Ankara- “ Recent Problems of the Trusteeship in the Turkish Judicial System” meeting organized by Tepav Legal Studies Center was held at Tepav on Friday, June 24th . In the meeting, in which Assoc.Prof.Dr Devrim Güngör at Ankara University Faculty [More]
Critical Juncture 
in Cyprus Negotiations Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan & Atila Eralp
Haber Resim
02/06/2016- 1528 This paper prepared for the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), May 2016. Abstract The negotiations in Cyprus are at yet another critical juncture. Time is running short for a comprehensive settlement on the island. The present conducive envir [More]
TEPAV - Sak: “The new EU engagement process is very important” The “EU- Turkey High Level Economic Dialogue” and “Foreign Direct Investments and Investment Climate in Turkey Conference” was held in Istanbul.
Haber Resim
25/04/2016- 1508 ISTANBUL- Executive Director of TEPAV Güven Sak while pointing out the vitality of the new engagement process between the EU and Turkey said “For us Turks, the EU engagement process signifies the arrival of administrative reforms. At the moment, th [More]
Syrians in Turkey: Unemployment and Social Cohesion Evaluation Note / Esra Özpınar - Yasemin Satır Çilingir - Ayşegül Taşöz Düşündere  
Haber Resim
18/04/2016- 3326   Integration of Syrian refugees living in Turkey to the labor market carries a risk with regards to social cohesion. According to TurkStat 2014 data, 68.8 percent of those aged over 6 years old in Turkey have a middle school or lower level educat [More]
How Does the Syrian Refugee Crisis Affect Public Health in Turkey? Evaluation Note / Esra Özpınar
Haber Resim
06/04/2016- 2093 Turkey’s Syrian population has exceeded 2.7 million. Looking at the distribution of Syrians in Turkey, one sees that the refugees are spread around the country. Socioeconomic integration of the Syrian refugees in Turkey is a priority item on the ag [More]
Startup Visa Programs in the G20 Countries Evaluation Note / Ayşegül Aytaç & Ussal Şahbaz  
Haber Resim
16/03/2016- 2440   The gap between male and female participation in the labor force, youth unemployment, and shortages of skilled labor are just some of the global issues of significance discussed during Turkey’s presidency of the G20. Although the G20 has committ [More]
TEPAV publishes report on labor policies in Turkey’s coal mining sector Turkey should develop a national policy to protect the health and ensure the security of all workers in the coal mining sector, while seeking to provide for the sustainable development of the country’s natural resources, a report published by TEPAV with ILO funding said
Haber Resim
09/03/2016- 2025 The ANKARA – Turkey should adopt a national policy aiming to improve the conditions of workers in the coal mining sector, a report published by the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) said. The report “Contractual Arrangements in [More]