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Turkey’s Changing Attitude Towards Foreigners Since the Influx of Syrian Refugees Evaluation Note / Ayşegül Taşöz Düşündere & Yasemin Satır Çilingir
Haber Resim
18/01/2017- 3781 The immigration phenomenon has become one of the most debated topics in recent years following the refugee problem that emerged as a result of the civil war in Syria, discourse of “Leave EU” groups against foreigners before BREXIT, Trump's attitude [More]
Why is ISIS Targeting Turkey? Evaluation Note / Hilmi Demir, PhD.
Haber Resim
17/01/2017- 3170 ISIS has for a long time been releasing videos targeting Turkey. Analyzing these videos and decrypting the messages they hold will certainly help us to understand why ISIS is targeting Turkey as well as coding the AK Party as its enemy. ISIS has c [More]
Terrorism, ISIL,
Globalization, European Union And Economic Integration Evaluation Note / Bozkurt Aran
Haber Resim
15/12/2016- 1430 The Global Order The universe of global economic relations facing the intimidating winds of change has compelled the major stakeholders of the system to expedite the process for a new set of rules. The change is still unfolding. It is far too earl [More]
Would Millennials Let Go Of Their Smartphones And Work In Heavy Industry? Evaluation Note / Yasemin Satır Çilingir & Murat Kenanoğlu
Haber Resim
08/12/2016- 2439 “Young men do not want to work in industry; rather they prefer to work in malls or restaurants.” Through various instances where we were forced to act as the ‘discharge station’ for company owners or managers from different sectors and cities, we c [More]
Post-coup attempt restructuring means Turkish army may no longer be functional The restructuring of the Turkish military in the wake of the July 15 failed coup attempt could create more problems than it solves, according to Nihat Ali Özcan, an academic an a retired major.
Haber Resim
07/11/2016- 1399 “Efforts to restructure the army should be done taking into account the army’s functions,” Özcan told the Hürriyet Daily News.“If they are done taking into account domestic political concerns then you will only end up with an army that is no longer [More]
What is on the Global Agenda Following the G20 Hangzhou Summit? And Where does Turkey Stand in this Agenda? Evaluation Note / Selin Arslanhan Memiş
Haber Resim
05/11/2016- 1620 1. The Chinese G20 Presidency ended with the Hangzhou Summit held on 3-4 September, 2016. It is important to asses the highlights of the global agenda as set by the Hangzhou Summit in view of recent events which include an increasing number of [More]
Meeting on the United States Presidential Election of 2016 US Presidential Election to be held on 8 November 2016 was assessed in TEPAV  
Haber Resim
01/11/2016- 1033   David Lublin, Professor of government at American University, Washington D.C., came to TEPAV to talk about the upcoming presidential elections in the United States. Lublin explained the electoral system in the U.S., as well as the role of Senate [More]
Turkey-Armenia Entrepreneurship Program Gets the Spotlight at TOBB Startup Istanbul Ten successful startups from Armenia traveled to TOBB Startup Istanbul, which took place between October 6-10.
Haber Resim
11/10/2016- 2026 Within the scope of Turkey-Armenia Entrepreneurship Program which was started in 2014 by TEPAV and Public Journalism Club (PJC), representatives of ten successful Armenian startups had the opportunity to participate in Startup Istanbul. The event [More]
Entrepreneurship , Armenia,
Second Workshop of EU-Turkey Energy Dialogue for Energy in Black Sea Region Project Took Place in İstanbul  
Haber Resim
10/10/2016- 1490   The workshop called “Energy Market Liberalization and Regional Market Integration” was held in İstanbul on October 10th, 2016 in İstanbul. The workshop was hosted by the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV). Aside from TEPAV all [More]
Guide for the Design of Regional Competitiveness Agenda by TEPAV  
Haber Resim
06/10/2016- 1110 The guidebook prepared under the title “Toolkit for Designing of Regional Competitiveness Agenda” within the scope of the Project on the Competition Agenda for the Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP) region, has executed by TEPAV. The guidebook, which [More]